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i felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. the girl that sits behind me in history gave me a note "from vinnie" she whispered . i opened it to see a dick drawn on it i wrote back on it "childish". five minutes later i get passed another note to see two stick figures having s3x i couldn't help but laugh quietly. i turn around to see vinnie nearly dying.

i get passed a note AGAIN. this time it has words surprisingly. "wanna skip?". i raise my hand "may i go to the bathroom it's kind of urgent?" "quickly!" "thank you".

i text vinnie to play along. i come back in to history class "can i take vinnie the principal wants him" vinnie grabs his bag and comes out "why does the principal want me?" he said in a kind of scared tone.

"i told you to play along this is a joke, why do you have to be so gullible" i say laughing. "well in that case" he smashed his hungry lips onto mine. "vinnie i'm not having s3x in school c'mon". "you didn't stop us having s3x in that empty classroom that time" "shut the fuck up c'mon" i took his hand and ran out of school.

vinnie hacker ~ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now