Same ol' Loverboy

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"You're bleeding," Patroclus whispers, eyeing the wound on Achilles' arm.

"It is nothing," Achilles counters, eyes focused on Patroclus' worrying expression.

"Let me help," Patroclus says, grabbing Achilles' arm as blood drips down onto his skin. Achilles winces and it confirms Patroclus' fear. He was indefinitely hurt.

"Patroclus, I don't need-" Achilles tries, but Patroclus has already grabbed some bandages. He knows that when Patroclus wanted to do something it was useless to argue.

"Let me help," Patroclus repeats, using a towel to clean up the bloody mess. Achilles lets him take over, leaning back and closing his eyes as Patroclus tended to him. It was a solid cut that was hard to control, but Patroclus had learned a thing or two in the medical tents and was able to put them to use.

"I let them hurt me, you know," Achilles murmurs, somewhat out of nowhere.

"Why would you allow such a thing?" Patroclus asks, wrapping Achilles' arm.

"I felt I deserved it," Achilles says, breathing heavy and dull, "I've killed hundreds of them and none of them could even put a scratch on me. I had to give them something. We are both humans and we breathe the same. I let one of them pierce me before I killed him."

Patroclus fixes the bandage and lets it sit. He looks up at Achilles with soft, compassionate eyes. Achilles was thoughtful and kind, he killed but he did so with a kindled grace. Patroclus admired that about him, it was one of the things he loved about the golden boy.

"Thank you," Patroclus mutters, an acute smile residing on his face.

"It was the least I could do," Achilles regards, looking down at the bandage he glances back up to Patrolcus, "thank you, my love."

"This was the least I could do," Patroclus recites, "and you're welcome."

Achilles was seemingly invincible to his foes but he still bleeds the same. Patroclus hates the sight of Achilles in pain, but he is in awe of the boy in front of him. He had known kindness in the form of his best friend and his lover.

"Don't let them hurt you anymore," Patroclus mumbles, he feels selfish in his words but he doesn't care. He can't see half of his soul in pain. He can't take it.

"I won't," Achilles assured, kissing Patroclus on the hand and soothing his worries, "I promise you this. I swear it."

After that, Patrolcus didn't have to patch up another cut or scratch on Achilles. That moment stuck with him, for it showed him that the Achilles he fell in love with was still alive, even throughout the cursed war.

Achilles is full of the same memories, and Patroclus loves him the same. Always.

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