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2 am finally rolled around and I was climbing into my Corolla. I had liquor spilled on me thanks to a bunch of rowdy assholes that thought it was be funny to try tipping my tray over when it was full of drinks. It was really fucking funny when it spilled all over my legs and shoes. And just my luck, it was the awful smelling type of liquor, the ones that make you want to vomit when you get a whiff of it. It smelled of bad memories and regrets.

I sat down and let out a big sigh. The amount of walking and fake smiling I did today physically pained me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not always a negative bitch about everything, but you need to understand where I'm coming from. I've given a glimpse into my life, this is it. This is why I'm such a bitch.

I began the long ride home. Some days I wonder if the commute is even worth my time. I spend more money on maintenance and gas for my car than your average person. But then when I get home and find hidden bills in my g-string and bra, the world makes sense again and I gladly welcome that one hour and twelve minute drive.

I just started getting deep into my music, screaming at the top of my lungs, I guess this is how I blow off steam, screaming my favorite songs into the oblivion. It didn't even click when I realized the song I was singing was a song from the guys, Aces Are Wild. Maybe I need to be more aware of the music I'm listening to, maybe there's other smoking hot boy bands that I listen to and I'm just not aware of it.

I was 2:56 seconds into the song when the music cut out and my phone started ringing. It was Jake. I didn't want to answer it, but knowing him, he was probably drunk calling me.

"What?" I asked him, annoyance very clear in my tone.

"I miss you..where are you?"

"Where do you think I am Jake? I just left work. Where are you?"

"I'm at Cami's house.."

Cami... Cami.. I was trying to place who Cami was.

"Who's Cami? I don't recognize that name."

"She had the party tonight..."

"Okay... " I said. He was already acting weird.

"Can I come into Mary's tomorrow to eat lunch with you?" He asked.

I really didn't want him to. The less I saw of him, the better. But, as always, he guilt tripped me.

"I guess," I said, "I'm off at 2, so make sure it's before then."

"Do you have the opening shift tomorrow?"

"Of course I do."

"Oh, well, okay, go home and get some sleep."

No shit, dumbass. We hung up and I turned my music back on. I needed to escape my reality and this was my way of doing it.

After the fastest shower ever, and 3 hours of sleep, I was up and ready to go to Mary's. If I didn't love and respect Mary and Bill, I would not be working this early shift after I just worked a night shift. But I do love them and I know they need help.

I sat in the parking lot pondering my life, you know, typical behavior before going to work.

The morning went by relatively quickly. We were incredibly busy this Saturday morning, and I'm blaming it on the craft show down the street in the park. It brought people in from surrounding small towns. I actually made quite a bit of money so far. I looked at the clock and it was eleven, and just then, Jake made his grand appearance. Except, I didn't have time to sit and chat with him. I was the only server and I was also the busser today, so I was cleaning off all the tables, helping Donny with dishes and making sure the dessert case was still stocked.

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