Chapter 1

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Tommy was out side in the cold dark night. The air was heavy. The air smelled like the flowers and grass.Ever sence dream got out Tommy has stayed up all night making sure dream doesn't come to get him at night. Phil says that he needs to sleep but he refuses to sleep.

The dirty blonde boy in front of his house was falling asleep,then......... he heard something. It sounded like foot steps. "Wh-who's there!" He said with fear in his voice. He was scared to death when he heard a laugh come from the other side of the wall. It sounds like him.

He was so happy to see that it was only tubbo. "YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH DUDE." tubbo started to laugh."sorry I had to I can't help it." Tommy growled at him. The brown hair boy saw that Tommy had bags under his eyes and saw the it looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. He also smelled gross too but he didn't say that bc that was just mean. walked over to the bench and sat down. The dirty blonde followed and sat down next to him.

"So what are you doing here?" Tommy asked tubbo. "I came to tell you something." He said sadly with the smile gone from his face. "I.... I have decided that it's best for you to leave your home." He said finally. Tommy was shocked. Tubbos eyes couldn't look at Tommy."What......?" "It's best for you to leave and live with techno and Phil." "WHY!" He felt like he was betrayed by his best friend. " You can't fend for your self your almost out of food and your basically like a new born Kitten on the street!"

Tommy felt anger come up his throat. He couldn't believe his best friend was calling him weak. Ever sence dream got out he felt like everyone was pushing him around to do stuff. He couldn't do what he wanted to do without people pushing him around. He had been through so much every person on the sever had betrayed him once. Everything that has happened has been blamed on him. He finally decided that was going to end today.

"WHAT!? NO THIS IS MY HOME AND I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE." Tubbo looked shocked. The air was tense. "Tommy this is for the best-." "THE BEST!? FUCK THAT! IM NOT LETTING SOMEONE TAKE MY HOME AGAIN!" "Tommy-." "NO JUST SHUT UP!" Tommy yelled at the top of his lungs and then everything went silent. The thick air was tense, Tubbo was lost for words he had never seen Tommy act like this to him before. "You know what forget it just go away and I'll leave as soon as possible." Tommy said with a sad voice.

When Tommy was packing Tubbo tried to apologize for saying he's weak but Tommy ignore him. Tubbo could feel how tense it was between them so he stopped trying bc he didn't want to anger him anymore . Tommy got rid of the wall and then walked away with out saying good bye. The air was thick when he left. Tubbo was left there feeling bad for what he did so he went home. In the dark, alone.

Tommy was going to start a new life and live away from people who pushed him around, and blame him for everything. He wanted to live free and have a good life so he built a cabin in the woods. It would be hard for people to get to him through the thick trees and mushroom trees.

Tommy gathered wood, tools,food,water, and animals to make a small farm in the woods.

Tubbo went home in tears, he felt so bad about what he did. He didn't know what he did but he does know that he messed up. When he got home ranboo was waiting for him but when he saw him he ran over and hugged him. "What happened?" He asked with a soft voice trying to calm him down. "I messed up." He said with a low voice."come sit down and I'll make some hot chocolate." Ranboo said has he hugged his husband.

Ranboo made his delicious hot chocolate and gave a cup to tubbo and asked him what happened. Tubbo explaines everything how he messed up and he felt terrible about saying that Tommy was weak and everything. "Wow that's bad." Ranboo said wall giving tubbo a sad look at him. "But you know why not you let him have time to him and then maybe you can go find him and say sorry." "Yeah but what if he doesn't forgive me! What if he was found by dream going somewhere! WHAT IF HE DEAD!" Ranboo stopped for a second before what he was about to say."why not tomorrow we go find him and make sure he's ok and if we don't find him we can ask Phil and techno to help us ok?" Tubbo looked sad but said yes.

Tubbo couldn't sleep he tried but he just couldn't, all he could think about was tommy. Was he ok, was he hurt, was he alive. But tubbo couldn't do anything about that rn so he made himself go to sleep.

The next morning tubbo got up better then yesterday but still sad and terrible but he was ok. Ranboo made breakfast wall Tubbo went to wake up Michael and get him down stairs. After doing that he asked Phil to watch Michael wall they went looking for Tommy.

They went into the woods and looked, they looked everywhere. It had when hours sence they left and still found no trace of Tommy it was kinda weird in a way that the day before tommy just left and then he just disappeared somehow. But they had to go back home tubbo felt worried now for his friend he was worried that he might be dead but he still had hope.

•sorry this was short this is my first time doing this I'll try to make ch 2 longer lol
Edit 4/21/22
1044 words

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