Phone talk

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George pov:
I lied. I didn't need to do anything, I got nervous and lied. He was blushing when I put my number in his phone. I just sat there looking at my phone waiting to see is he text me. An hour went by and I finally get a text.
230-404-1970 (you see what I did there)

Hello is this George.

I smiled. I changed his name to 'Clay'

Hello is this George.
                                                            Yes I am thee.
Should I we play Minecraft
or are you still busy?
                                                    We could play. I'm
                                                     don't being busy.
Incoming call.

HE WANTS TO CALL! I THOUGHT WE WHERE JUST GOING TO GIVE EACH OTHER OUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNTS. I answered the call nervously. "Hello" I said. Clay didn't say anything at first, pretty sure he was scared.

Dream pov:
Uh oh. What do I say, I want to sound brave. I finally got my cafe crush's number I want to impress him so maybe one day we can go out or something. He's very nice and pretty. I thought about my sexuality at that moment wondering what I was.
"Are you there Dream"
HOLY SHIT THE CALL " Hello sorry I was putting something away I didn't expect you to answer that quick". I lied hoping I will get away with it. "So I called you because I don't have an account. I just always played by myself so I didn't feel the need to make one. Also I don't know how." I heard the brunette sigh then chuckle. Oh my god. "That's attractive" I said. "I'm sorry, what" George said then laughing after.

George pov:
Did he call me attractive. I hope so. But if he didn't that's cool too, I guess kinda hope I was that thing.
"Oh I was taking about a piece of clothing I saw someone where right now. I have my window open." The blond responded.
I was kinda sad not going to lie but I shrugged it off. Which was also lie. I love lying, i'm good at it.
I help Clay set up his account.
"Who's Dream" Clay ask.
"Oh it's a nickname I gave to you because I swear I saw you in a dream"
silence. Was it weird that I said that?

Dream pov:
I had no thought other then nickname. He gave me a nickname. I finished signing in and I put my username.
"Ok I finished putting the rest in"
"I will send you my user I want yours to be a surprise"
George sends his user. I add him and he laughs.
"I couldn't think of anything else ok"

George pov:
He put his name is Dream. I blushed a bit. We played survival for about two hours. He was actually really good at it.
"Hey Clay"
"Yes George"
"We should go to the zoo or something to hang out. I enjoy your company, I haven't had people to talk to in a while"
once again, silents..
"Sure we can go. When though"
"How about tomorrow"
"Sure I'm free all day so we should be ok"
"Ok can you pick me up though I don't have a car" I lied lol
"Sure why time"
"How about at 9:00 so we can hang out then we can go to the zoo."
"Sure ok"
We hung up and I was very exited

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