(....Maybe we should try? + An inky situation!....)

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"Oh gosh.. " - Walnut

Creampuff looks outside the window.

"Everything outside looks destroyed... " - Creampuff

"Really is, though we should really stay inside..-" - Madeleine

"But, why can't we just help other people? 1? Strawberry and Mint Choco turned into some different person, Pancake went missing, Vampire got really hurt, Werewolf, Kumiho, Tiger Lily, Clover, Espresso, Wizard, Gingerbrave.. Many others got corrupted! "
"We really have to help everyone and also find out how to stop this! " - Creampuff

Walnut walks in.

"I really agree with Creampuff... We really have to do something before this gets worse! " - Walnut

"..Alright then!"
"Let's go! " - Latte

They all run off to some places splitting, but....

Another POV:

"...Why did you even decide to come here? " - Pomegranate

"I just, look. Why did you even decide to do this? "
"Like, why?" - Pancake

"Why do you even bother to care? " -Pomegranate

"I just wanna know! "
"Please tell me.." - Pancake

"Well then if you wanna know," -Pomegranate

Pomegranate starts walking towards Pancake, and Pancake backs away.

"Hey! Stay back..- Not like that! " - Pancake

Pancake starts backing up more.

"Oh come on, i thought you wanted me to tell you! ~" - Pomegranate

Pomegranate starts to smile.
As Pancake keeps backing up, he starts falling into some pool of ink.

"W-what the??!!?? -"- Pancake

"Aww! You fell right into my trap you squirrel!~ *giggles*"  - Pomegranate

Pancake slowly sinking in, trying to escape, but there's some tentacles appearing trying to keep him from escaping.
Pancake trying to call for help, slowly losing consciousness.


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Note :
Had to copy and paste everything else, something was wrong when i tried to publish

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