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Running around the humongous hide out we were playing nerf gun wars

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Running around the humongous hide out we were playing nerf gun wars.The teams were gonna be boys and girls but it's only three girls right about now because Vic isn't here.So the teams are Me,Mariano,Kairi,Elora,and the other team were Mattia,Xandra,Maurizio,Alvaro.I could hear the faint screams from downstairs as I hide behind the corner of the hall with Kairi behind me.Hearing foot steps coming towards us as we stay put.The lights were dimmed in this hallway so maybe they won't see us if the go straight,"Mommy I'm gonna get you",I hear Maurizio say causing me to quite laugh.He must be with Mattia.Walking past us were Maurizio who were on Mattias shoulders pointing his gun forward

Me and Kairi quietly followed behind them and shot them in their backs.Turning around Mauri and Mattia groan angrily,"Ahhh you got me",Mauri says crossing his arms poking his lips out.I smile and kiss him on his forehead ruffling his hair,"Next time bub,so who's out so far?",I say to Mattia as he places Maurizio on the ground in front of him,"Elora,me,Mauri,Mariano",he says as I expected I knew they would get out first.Nodding I nudge Kairi and went down the hallway which took us to a huge opening that were near the stairs.Elora were standing at the edge of stairs playing dead, soon she opened her eyes and told me where the two were which was the kitchen.Nodding I give her a thumbs up.Slowly walking down the stairs me and Kairi were about to approach the two but I heard someone clear their voice.Looking behind us we spot Xandra turning back around Alvaro were in front of me.Instead of running we stood there 

"Who's it gonna be?you orrr-",I say but than me and Kairi immediately switch spots dodging their nerf bullets and shoot them as soon as we get in front of them.Screaming Elora happily claps her hands,"Nice strategy",Xandra says clapping her hands with a slight smile on her face.Turning around I high five Kairi and walk down the stairs seeing Mar still playing dead on the ground.I roll my eyes and kick him in his side airing him out.Holding his side he coughs a couple of time.Using his foot he slides it under mine causing me to fall on my ass.Groaning I rub my ass as I get up from the ground,"Samuel come get your best friend!",I yell as I walk into the kitchen to get an icepack.Feeling something latch onto both of my legs I see Mauri and Lora holding onto my legs as they look up at me with a innocent smile on like they want something from me

"What do you ducklings want?",I say as I place the ice pack on my left cheek and closed the fridge with my other hand.Giggling they don't let go as I walk to the island.Looking down at them I shake my head and giggle a long with them,"We want a waffle ice cream sandwich",they say letting me go and climbing onto the chairs next to me,"I'll tell you what,after you finish dinner and you clean your rooms without any help, you can get it but that's if you do that",I say looking at them both who sigh in frustration causing me to laugh.They have their dad's laziness.But they have my attitude.Both of them put their elbows up on the counter as they hold their heads up with their hands at both sides of their head.Putting the icepack down I do the same

Staring into space as they do I think about how they would end up cleaning it.I feel like they'll throw everything into their closet and chests.And than throw stuff under their beds.Especially Mauri he would do that I once found a juice box shoved in his closet door.It was stuck,"Okay mum I will do it",Elora says getting up from the chair and leaving to her room.Looking to my side I see Mauri still thinking raising my eyebrow up at him he looks at me giving me the side eye while raising his eyebrow causing me to laugh putting a smile on his face,"Extra ice cream",he says leaving following after Elora going to his messy room.Giggling I shake my head as Mattia comes down the stairs and into the kitchen raising an eyebrow at me 

"Mauri just kicked me out of his room so he could clean it apparently",he says looking surprised.The boy never cleans his room so usually Mattia or I clean it same with Elora but Mar cleans it somedays or I do it.Sometimes Xandra and Samy team up to clean Mauri's room when they get tired of walking past it seeing the way it looks almost everyday,"They want waffle ice cream sandwiches, so I made a deal with them",I say to the boy who starts prepping ingredients for dinner

Hours later we finished eating and I make my way upstairs to Elora's room first.Walking in it was clean but it wasn't the best.She didn't fix her bed correctly and her shoes were lined up with the wrong shoe.I chuckle and nod as I make my way to Maurizio's room I spot him kicking something under his bed but I don't say anything.I open his closet and stuck again there's a box of pop tarts jammed in it.Rolling my eyes I just ignore it and look around the closet and it was surprisingly clean and the rest of his room was but I needed to look under his bed and there it was trash under the bed and dirty clothes also,"Clean it up or no snack for you",I say he starts screaming and throwing a tantrum falling out onto the floor,"Cut it out and clean or I'll get your dad to do it and you'll go to bed early",I say raising my voice a bit.Gotta be stern with him 

"NOOOO",he yells at me throwing things that's when I just walk out of his room closing his door as he cries.Going to Elora's room she fixed her bed a bit better than last time and kind of fixed her shoes.Their only six they can't do certain things but Mauri knows where to put his trash and clothes.Sighing I grab her hand and walk her down the hall leading her to the kitchen,"Mattia can you speak with Mauri about his room and his self esteem?",I say to him as I pull out the waffles.I'm gonna make him one anyways because he most likely will get help from Mattia with his room.He nods and heads upstairs while putting his hands in his pockets

Minutes later they both come down the stairs as I scoop the ice cream onto his waffle and put the other one on top smooshing it a bit,"I'm sorry mommy, i get mad quickly, sorry for yelling at your didn't mean it",he says wiping his tears because he couldn't stop crying because he felt bad for the way he handled things with me but I just pick him up and give him a bunch of little pecks on his face causing him to laugh,"It's okay bubbie, you just have to handle your anger",I say smiling at him handing him his sandwich causing him to smile at me grabbing it.This parenting is kind of easy for...


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