He pulled his jeans down and grabbed the suit, quickly sliding into it. The suit, at first when he put it on was rather baggy, but he looked at the emblem and decided to press it, seeming as it looked as though it was something he was meant to press. As soon as he had pressed it, the suit wrapped taunt around his skin. It wasn't too tight that it could cut off his circulation, but it was tight enough to keep it wrapped around his body.

Peter spotted a mirror in the corner and looked at the suit on him. To say it looked cool was an understatement. Peter wasn't the buffest person in existence, but that didn't stop him from looking quiet buff. It was obvious that it was high-tech, compared to his other suit that was just some flimsy fabric for his suit.

He grabbed the mask that was in his hands and carefully pulled it over his head, anticipation growing tight within his stomach. As soon as the mask was completely over his face, a voice filled his ears and startled him.

'Hello Peter, it's lovely to finally meet you.'

In his shock, Peter had fallen backwards landing on his back. Two thoughts came to his mind in that moment, one being 'what the actual fuck was that,' and the other being, 'some hero he was, getting scared that easily.'

Peter quickly calmed down though when he remembered Mr Stark had put an AI in his suit.

"Um, h-hello," Peter mumbled, pulling himself up off the floor and wincing at the pain he felt while doing so.

'I am your AI, Mr Stark has programmed me to help you while you patrol and with anything you need help with. I am primarily in the suit, however, I can be added to other devices in order to help more.' The AI spoke, sounding happy and calm. (Peter was once more shocked that an AI was able to talk to him with so much emotion, just like FRIDAY could.)

Peter took a shaky breath, still feeling as though he need to push away the shock that he just had. Although, he was happy knowing there was someone he could talk to while patrolling.

"It's- ugh- it's nice to meet you. What can- what can you do?" He stumbled out, unable to stop it as he was still a little startled.

'Well I control the suit mainly. All you need to ask me is to do it and I will. I can tell you when a crime is taking place and where to go. I can also track people if you place a tracker on them. If needed I can contact Mr Stark for assistance as well. I also can detect injuries when happed. And I can detect some injuries now, it appears you have three broken ribs, two fractured, you also have many contusions across your back and a small concussion,' the AI concluded, making Peter shrink into himself slightly.

"Yeah, um, it's- it's from patrol. Don't worry though, I'm all good," Peter mumbled, hoping he wouldn't be called out. "Also, what should I- what should I call you?" Peter asked, not liking having to keep calling the an AI.

'You can call me whatever you would like Peter, and okay, try to be careful,' the AI knew Peter was lying, however, something inside her made her not want to say anything. She may have just been an AI, but she felt as though she could feel emotions, and something about this didn't make her want to say anything.

Peter stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what he could call her. After a moment for spoke up.

"Karen. I'll call you Karen."

If Karen had a body and a face, she would have been smiling from ear to ear. 'Thank you Peter, I like that name,' she replied, sounding genuinely very happy.

Peter smiled before turning to look at the ceiling, "excuse me, Miss FRIDAY, how do I leave?"

'I can open a window for you in here to leave, it is low enough down that you should be okay, however, if you would prefer, I could take you down further,' FRIDAY reported, sounding like her happy self.

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