Conversing (Or Talking Again)

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Mattias turned around a bit and put his hands around Rudy's waist.
". . . Have you ever been held this closely..?"

|| "once..." Rudolph's voice got weak as he spoke.

"Well, I-I hope I'm better than them."

Matt grinned, teeth and all. No sweet smiles, just pure joy.
"I'm very glad."

|| "You're so cute when you smile." Rudolph giggled. He kissed Mattias's cheek.

"Uh, Jenny used to kiss me a lot. Ah... Making out, is that the term..? She said I was okay at it, I kinda hated it..."
You are the stupidest boy on Earth.

|| "did you ever tell her you disliked it?" Rudolph felt worried for matt.

"I'd never. It made her happy, you know."

|| "but what about how you felt?" Rudolph frowned.

Matt kissed the crook of Rudy's neck and held onto his arms.
"Does that matter, Rudolph..? It made me happy to see her like that, she was kind to me..."

|| "It does matter, Mattias. Your feelings matter. You shouldn't have to do something for someone else's enjoyment."

"I mean, it was... Fine."
He seemed confused now.

|| "Mattias...I love you. So much. Your happiness and your feelings matter too me. " Rudolph grabbed mattias's hand and held it, "but doing something for your partner that doesn't make you both happy isn't right."

Matt gently pulled away from Rudy and sighed.
"I don't think I should've said anything. I was happy. I was very happy with her."

|| "Mattias..." Rudolph was going to say more but stopped himself. It wasn't his place to comment on mattias's past relationships. He just wished he could do something to help the boy.

"I know... I know."
Mattias leaned over on the bench behind them.
"I'm so glad I have you."

|| "I'm glad I have you too." Rudolph smiled.

"Did I mention what happened the other day?"

|| "no...what happened?"

"One of the cats tried to eat rat poison."

|| "Are they okay!?"

He sat up and put up his hands.
"O-of course, of course! It's just that, if Bluejay hadn't seen it, the cat surely would've gotten into the box!"

|| Rudolph settled down when he noticed Mattias's reaction.
"I'm sorry for my outburst. Im glad to hear the cat is unharmed."

"What..? Oh, no, no. I'm alright..."

|| "You just seemed..alarmed."

"Well, I'm caught up in my story."

|| "Mattias...I-"
adam: "I finally found you jerks!" Adam ran up to the bleachers.

"Oh, God damn it..."
He put his face in his hands and groaned.
Fuck. Off.

#Late-night Lovers# Mattias x Rudy <3Where stories live. Discover now