Sneaking off

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Mattias coughed into his sleeve as he regained steady breathing. He was at the track field, but he told Rudy to go to the back of the school... Maybe they would be able to see each other.

|| "MATTIAS!!" Rudolph was pretty far away from Mattias, he called out the boys name and waved his arms.

He waved back and started walking to Rudy.
Stop shouting! We'll be caught!

|| "Hii Mattias!~" Rudolph kissed Mattias's forehead as Mattias reached him

He huffed and smiled.
"Hello Roods..."

|| "No one saw you sneak out, right?"

"I don't think so... We should go over there," he said, pointing at the bleachers.
"Jenny and I used to go under there."

|| "Okay, Mattias!" Rudolph grabbed Mattias's hand and skipped over too the bleachers. He was oddly very energetic and happy today

The two of them crept underneath the cold, metal benches.
"Now," he began, "I-I'd like to feel those lips of yours..."

|| "feel them as much as you'd like~"

#Late-night Lovers# Mattias x Rudy <3Where stories live. Discover now