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I sigh as I sink into the hot bath the maid had just made for me, the tension from the trip easing away like the small wisp that were rising from the hot water, slowly disappearing in the air.

We had arrived at the castle earlier that day, I had taken my time to bath and groom Max before I came into the room that was appointed to me when I had first came here, I cleaned up and then joined the others for a nice hot dinner. I could tell that everyone was relieved to be back at the castle and not out by a fire cooking food that would taste like smoke and drinking water that was usually to warm or also tasted of smoke from being boiled.

I wasn't used to the luxuries of the castle life, but I did appreciate being somewhere I kind of knew and being able to relax without worrying about someone trying to attack us. I also knew Max was happy to roam free in the pasture by the stables, probably feeling relieved to have the saddle off of him for longer then a few hours.

After my bath I slip on one of the dresses the maids had left for me, my other clothes needing to be washed. I walk over to my bed and grab up the bag that held the dragon stones, placing them under the mattress as I usually do before going to sleep.

Once I laid down I couldn't seem to fall asleep, thoughts of the dragon we had met running through my mind, as well as the talk with Sunoo. It was nice to know that at least one of them didn't judge me before getting the truth.

The dragon that was protecting the earth stone was friendly, making me wonder again why anyone would harm them in the first place. But, then again it was to gain power, humans were a selfish breed.


The next day I decide to visit the tree the king had shown me when I had first arrived here.

I walk around the base of it, looking over the blanking roots, a sense of dread washing over me as I remember what I had been shown, the flash's of people dying had pushed me to decide to work along side the arrogant acting king and his men.

We only had two stones, we were closer, but still far away, we still had to three more before we could reverse the curse. That led to another thought to nag my mind, the healing stone had still not shown up on the map, me and Ni-ki had looked it over many times and still have not found it's location. If we could not get all of the stones we could not help the kingdom.

"What are you doing out here alone?"

I turn to face the king, feeling slightly startled by how I had not heard him approaching.

"Thinking." I reply simple as I turn back to the tree, still feeling a little sour towards the king.

I cut a look from the corner of my eye as the king stepped beside me, his eyes locked on the black parts of the tree.

"Let me show you where I like to think, this place is a little gloomy." He said turning to face me.

I turn and raise my brow to him wondering why he wanted to show me another place around his castle.

He lets out a chuckle as he sees my reaction to his offer. "It's just, your thoughts could be blocked and dark if all you're looking at is the tree, the thing that shows what we're up against. We came to the castle to recuperate, not feel even more drained by the looming darkness of our fate if we don't find all of the stones."

"I rather be reminded of what will happen if we fail, then distract myself with beautiful scenery or whatever you wanted to show me." I retort, I knew thinking this way was draining, but it was a good way to make sure we got the job done.

The king sighed before he grabbed my hand and pulled me along after him. At first I was to stunned to do anything, but when I realized he had my hand I stop dead in my tracks, pulling him to a stop.

"Just a few minutes of your time, if it doesn't make you feel better, I'll leave you alone to your gloomy reminders." He said as he gripped my hand harder to make sure I didn't wiggle away.

"No, if it doesn't make me feel better, I'll punch you in the gut."


With that I roll my eyes as he pulls me along with him. I said nothing as I watched where we were going, past the tree and onto a new path in the garden.

Soon enough I could see a lake come into view, but he didn't stop until we were on the other side, walking underneath some willow trees who's limbs hung over the water just hardly disturbing the surface when a breeze blew through them. Under the trees wispy limbs were flowers of many different shades and sizes, their scent reaching our noses as we walked through them.

I had to admit the sound of the birds and crickets was calming and the view of the lake from here was a sight from a painting.

"So, am I getting punched in the gut?" The king asked with a hint of humor in his voice.

As soon as he dropped my hand I brought it back and punched him in the center of his stomach.

"That wasn't because of the view, that was for the other day. The view is amazing though." I say with a smile as I sit down in the flowers, bringing my dress close to me so I could pick up a few different colored flowers that were in front of me.

"Yeah, I deserved that." Jake said with a bit of a groan as he sat down beside me still holding his stomach.

I hum as I sniff a bright yellow buttercup.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about what happened," I watch as he hand comes down to fiddle with the petals of a small daisy. "I was wrong for acting the way I did, I was angry and worried by the fact you could have died."

I turn my head to him as I lay the flowers down in my lap, his words stunning me a little. He was actually worried about me?

"Because if you died then we could not finish getting the stones." He added as he plunked the flower from the ground.

Of course it was because of the mission, why would I think for a second it was because he was actually worried for my well-being? Stupid.

"I know my actions were rash, but like I said before, I would do it again in a heartbeat." And I would, my friend needed me and I wasn't going to turn her away.

"I understand. Just know, I'm sorry for being a prick."

I just nod my head, not sure if I was ready to fully forgive him for the way he acted.

I stand and walk to the edge of the water where I sit once more, not caring if the hem of my dress got wet as I picked the stems off of the flowers and set them floating in the water. Telling myself the flowers I let go were my thoughts that kept eating away at me, maybe I should let myself relax and not over think everything for just a moment.

"We should probably get back, lunch will be served soon." Jake said as he stood to his feet and dusted his pants off, the daisy still in his hand.

"Yeah." I agree as I let the rest of the flowers I was holding fall into the clear water, then I too stand and dust my hands off.

When I turn to face the king he stood closer then before, shocking me a bit by how easily I was getting lost in thought today.

What shocked me even more was when he stepped even closer and placed two fingers under my chin to lift it up as his other hand brought the daisy up, placing it behind my left ear. He let his hand brush right in front of my ear before letting it fall back to his side.

I knew my eyes had winded a bit as I looked up at him, I just hoped the fast beating of my heart could not be heard. Just like the time before in that Inn when he was drunk my heart was racing, my head felt slightly dizzy and my hands became clammy. Was I getting sick?

A gentle smile brushes his lips as he lets my chin go and grabs my hand once more, pulling me back to the castle.

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