"Indeed, Arisu is certainly problematic."


If Kiyone could smile, she'd be smugly doing so.

If Kiyotaka could cry, he'd fill a river with his tears.

Results of the day: Kiyone's win!!

...Oh right, this isn't that fanfic, let's forget that.

"Let's text all of our shared contacts."

"Your amount is quite small though..." she mutters.

"What?" he asks, even though he heard her clearly.

"I was saying that we should send them the same message, and see who they answer first, to check who belongs to this world."

"I see..." That's definitely NOT what you said before!!!

Kiyotaka wanted to reprimand her, but he knew that she knew that he knew that she knew... and so on.

He was amused though, at the thought of his counterpart being pretty playful.

She was amused though, at the thought of his counterpart reacting to getting tickled.

Their priorities may be different, but their feelings are the same!

And ping! the sound of a phone notification played... from Kiyone's phone!!!

More notifications appear, from different senders.

Kiyone tries to look at Kiyotaka's eyes, but he avoids her stare, giving her his back.

Then, Kiyotaka's phone starts to receive pings.

Kiyone checks the contents of the messages, they're full of important information about their current situation, and confirm that both of them are actually the only ones who got into such a situation.

Kiyotaka checks the contents of the messages, they're full of questions and insults demanding who the hell is he and how he got their phone number.

It can be quite confirmed that Kiyotaka is the intruder here.

Deciding that it was enough, Kiyotaka throws his phone through the window. The phone actually fled to a certain Student Council President, killing him in the act. No one ever found the body though.

"Now, what should we do about you, intruder-san?"


"You certainly can't just show up and introduce yourself, it'd be quite a disaster, don't you think?"

"Then what do you propose?"

"We can kidnap a background character and make you take his place, no one will notice."

"There's no way their friend won't notice."

"Well, as long as you two have your ghost aura around, no one should be able to notice the difference."

Why is she trashing my entire existence?! :(

Why am I trashing his entire existence?! :)

Kiyotaka looked like a puppet whose strings has been cut. (yaay! i finally did an overlord reference!)

For the sake of continuing the banana, both of them leave the room. As they're early birds, no one else is around. Or was it plot convenience? No one truly knows...

Once they were outside, they looked around, especially in the background.

And there he was! A plain-looking boy typing on his phone on the way to school!

They started to approach him but the distance was always the same, they didn't know if it was because the boy was so filler that he belonged to the background at this point, or just because they were walking at the same speed as he was.

After deciding to finish the game, Kiyone takes out her kamikaze shoe and throws it at his face, knocking him out instantly.

He fell next to a certain Student Council President, but none of the Kiyos noticed that corpse.

With this, their absolute and flawless plan was successful! Now Kiyotaka just needs to check his phone to know the class he'll be participating in.

"...Miyamoto from Class 2-D."



"Well, you'll replace him perfectly, you two look alik- no, that was too far, I apologize." she proceeds to take a katana out of nowhere about to commit seppuku.


"Alright." although she was able to summon the sword, she can't unsummon it, so she decides to just stab it on the ground, however, she notices she pierced something.

"Oh, my foot is bleeding." Kiyotaka nonchalantly says.

"You're right."

"... you won't apology?"

"An apology won't cure your foot."

"That's true... unless it isn't."



In case you didn't notice, the author is actually struggling with making dialogues!!!

Should I leave this here... yeah, I'm doing that.

Happy ending: Miyamoto and Nagumo were never found, both Kiyos married each other for some reason, idk, weird kinks they have and got three children after they discovered their genes aren't similar at all.


1085 words

Well, this was one of the options in the poll I did a while ago, so yeah, I finally did this!

Ehhh, see you next time!!

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