Alternative Universes

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Note: I can't write in phone thinking properly, so here I gooooooooo

This mini-stories didn't happen in the "canon" of Kiyone that I'm creating.

I wasn't sure about publish this because this is shit, but anyway. Enjoy it if you can lol.


Alternative Kushida's threat. Idea by CloLag99

Kushida: "If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."

Her words were cold, and I didn't think they were a vain threat.

Kiyone: "And if I did tell?"

Kushida: "In that case, I would tell everyone that you raped me."

Kiyone: "That's a false charge, you know."

Kushida: "That's okay. It wouldn't be false."

Her words had heft and power, leaving me unable to reply. As she spoke, Kushida grabbed my right wrist and slowly opened my hand. She pushed my palm against her soft breast.

Kiyone: "What are you doing?" I asked. I didn't panic though. Now I wouldn't remove my hand even if she wants.

Kushida: "Your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious. Understand?"

Kiyone: "I understand. I really do."

Then I grab one of her hands and push it on my breast. She's confused.

Kushida: "What are we doing?" she ask genuinely confused, her voice isn't cold anymore.

Kiyone: "I don't know, but I'm going to enjoy it."

Kushida: "Wha-" then I squeeze "Kyaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!"


Kirinloypangit the slave.

(don't ask me, they said they want to be Kiyone's slave) (very ooc kiyone)

Today I wake up just as everyday. It's Tuesday so I have to prepare to go to school.

When I get up I see my slave sleeping comfortable on the floor next to my bed.

As I have to prepare I just step on them to wake them up. When I said prepare I meant wake them up and make them do everything else, obviously.

They just moan and go to prepare the breakfast.

I decide to look on the internet while they're cooking, when I suddenly read a comment made by Kirin a day ago: 'Forgot about that, I want Hiyori to slave me.' and 'but hey, hiyori is cute and hot'.

Kiyone: "Kirin."

Kirin: "Yes ma'am?"

Kiyone: "Care to explain this?" I show'em my phone.

I see Kirin sweating cold. First how they dare to say they want other owner, and second, how does they dare to lewd Hiyori?!

Kiyone: "No food, no water, and you'll have to walk with your arms this week."

Kirin: "Y-Yes..."

Kiyone: "I didn't hear you." I say using my sharinga- I mean, the darkness in my eyes.

Kirin: "Yes ma'am!!!"

Kiyone: "Good, now let's go to school."

We go out of the dorms and we're heading to the school when we cross paths with Horikita and Sudog.

Horikita: "Good morning Ayanokouji-san."

Kiyone: "Morning Horikita, Sudog."

Sudog: "Wof wof"

Kiyone: "He behave bad again? I see you're using the neck strap again."

Horikita: "Yes, he's still aggresive when a boy gets close to me, so I decided to use this strap again... And I see you're in a similar situation."

Kiyone: "You could say so."

When we get inside the classroom everyone stare at us. It has sense, because only three studens have slaves including us. The other one is Sakayanagi with Kamuro. And Ryuuen is doing the formalities to slave Ishizaki.

I also have Nanase as my puppy, but she doesn't live with me yet.

I don't find my chair. Could it be that it was stolen...? No, now that I remember, I just threw it along with Kirin yesterday through the window.

Kiyone: "Kirin, chair."

Kirin: "But ma'am, all the chairs are occupied."

Kiyone: "You chair."

I tried to punish them, but they look excited.

Kirin: "Yes ma'am!!"

They reminds me to Shallchair, but not cute at all.

Chabashira: "Ok everyone, now hand me your homework."

'Oh shit, I forgot.'

Kiyone: "Sensei, Kirin ate my homework."

(time skip)

When Nanase join us and I tell her that Kirin ate my homework, both of us start to punish them, even though it was a lie.

After a few minutes.

Kiyone: "They died."

Nanase: "Oh no... Anyway, what do you want to eat, master?"

Kiyone: "Ice cream... and you."

Nanase: "I listen and obey!"


I swear I didn't drink nor use anything strange, just lemonade and chocomilk.

I have to say, it's funny to write this random stuff with no sense.

I also didn't revise it because I don't care enough xD

I have to go to do homework, so see you!

674 words

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