Chapter Nine - The Worst Human Being Ever

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My hatred for Bakugo fucking Katsuki, which had mostly faded into a general dislike and annoyance after I'd kicked his ass, twice, on the first day, had entirely reignited. I had to admit, when I'd first met him, stammering and mumbling and writing half his day into notebooks, Midoriya didn't seem like much. But after fighting him, I recognized there was something monstrous in that kid. Something to be fostered and revered. And yet, he was intimidated by this punk. I didn't understand it and it infuriated me.

A few days after we'd started recalibration, as I was sitting between Mina and Kaminari on the couch, listening to them ramble on and cackle about the English teacher's voice crack from earlier that day, I was watching the red eyed, spiky haired blonde, trying to figure it out. After some time, he noticed this, and it didn't take him long for his eyes to change from annoyed to angry.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He yelled at me.

"Nothing special," I told him back.

Everyone cracked up at that comment, besides Kirishima, who turned towards Bakugo, attempting and failing to calm him down in his usual way. The laughter fueled both his anger and my amusement. I wasn't an idiot. I knew he was strong and talented, relatively speaking. I'd picked him as second place for a reason. But I'd meant what I said, and he knew it.

We were still looking at each other. I crossed my arms. "What's your deal with Midoriya?"

"Why do you care?" He scoffed, his eyebrows lowering.

I shrugged. Bakugo clicked his mouth. "Ask him then."

"I did," I told him. "I want to hear your side too."

That surprised him. His expression softened slightly, and then became more furious than before.

"What's your deal with me?" He yelled.

"I just think you suck."

"Alright kids," Sero cut in with a laugh. "That's enough."

"Yaomomo said it was because he won the sports festival," Kaminari said, seeming confused. Bakugo's angry glare landed back on me, his eyes flaring with loud rage.

"That too," I said with a solid nod. "You shouldn't of."

"What?" Bakugo yelled, raising to his feet. "Are you fucked?"

"Probably," I admitted, hearing my smile. "But I'm not wrong."

Momo suddenly appeared at my side after rushing over from the other side of the common area. She looked disappointed in me. She looked like that a lot lately. "Are you seriously still going on about the sports festival?"

"Momo knows how I feel about this." I motioned to her, but I was still watching him.

"You picked wrong!" She said loudly, in her version of a yell. "Let it go!"

"No, I didn't!" I got to my feet now. "It should have been."

Momo put a hand on my mouth. She was serious. "Don't."

"That's why you're such a bitch to me?" His red eyes were flaring wild with rage. "What are you? Twelve years old?"

"I was the last time I lost a fight," I said to him, honestly. "Weakling."

"I swear, I'm going to," Bakugo started.

"You're going to what?" I asked him. When I took a step towards him, he didn't take a step back like I thought he would. "Kill me? Or spend your entire pathetic life jerking off to the thought of getting a glimpse of the level that I'm on?"

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