Out of the dream...

Y/N: Gah!

I felt as if my body was beaten down, sore and tired. I was sweating hard, wondering about what happened in the dream. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.


I slapped the hand off my sweaty self, scared for the first time in my life. The lights flashed on, blinding me. I covered my eyes in fear for the first time, shivering.

???: Ethan, are you okay?!

I felt hands and arms wrap themselves around me.

Y/N: G-Get off me!

I pushed the hands away and backed up, hitting the wall. A hand grabbed my shoulders, this time small and soft.

Bronya: Calm down... Y/N Oniichan.

I stopped shivering and moved my arms from my eyes. I was in my room with my squad mates around me, worry in their eyes.

Himeko: Hey, are you okay, Y/N? You look like crap.

Mei: Are you okay, Y/N? What did you dream about?

Kiana: Yeah! It can't be that scary. We're the scariest there is!

Y/N: ...I need some air. I-I can't talk about this right now.

Yuki's POV...

I woke up, sweating. I've never felt anything so powerful in my entire life. I felt a certain Benares clinging to my arm and slowly begin to awaken.

Akame: Mmm... Yuki, are you okay? You look as if you've seen someone die before you.

Yuki: ...I need to find Y/N. He's been marked.

Akame: Excuse me, marked? As in, with a marker? Mated?

Yuki: No... he's been marked for vengeance.

Akame: Eh?

Yuki: There's a certain item from my time... a helmet of sorts. Covered one eye, a strange design. But... the victims of the user always die. Whether it's later or soon after they meet with the user.

Akame: Meh. Won't do so bad if I get marked. I'm a Benares, remember?

Yuki: No. you'll die as well if you're hunted after. Hurt the user with even the tiniest scratch... you're next.

I ran out of the room, dashing through the halls silently. I look around, trying to find Y/N. I could tell he left his dorm at the same time I had, but he knew the layout of the place better than me. I jumped onto the top of the school, seeing him and Sinon sitting.

Yuki: Y/N!

Sinon: Chill out, dude. Yuki, was it? You have to calm down. Y/N's fine.

Y/N: ...

I could tell that Y/N was distressed, deciding not to show it but looked out to the upcoming sunrise.

Yuki: ...Alright. Y/N, you don't mind answering me a few questions, do you?

Y/N: Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. Ask away, my friend!

Yuki: Did you have a nightmare?

Y/N: Mhm!

Yuki: A man clad in armor?

Y/N: Umai!

Y/N swallowed... something as I asked.

Yuki: And did the man... have a one eyed helmet?

Y/N tensed up, seeing him freeze up for a first time.

The smiling Flame Breath user in an all girls school(ADOPTED! By @UnknowingFire)Where stories live. Discover now