The hunted becomes the hunter. Seems legit. And a new challenger!

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Yoyoyoyo! Poyo! I'm back! Again! Here we goooooooooo-! Dies

A/N2: ...I'm his replacement. Let's go. Whoo.

Y/N's POV...

Y/N: I have been running and slashing, for 30 minutes!

???: Tch... target's... loca...

I heard the voice. It sounded female. Well, many males may sound female. Cause they're gay. Or trans. Or LGBTQ. Or underdeveloped. No idea. But I continued forward.

With Mei...

Mei: Where is he? We're going to be late for class.

As soon as she said that, Kiana showed up around the corner.

Mei: Kiana! Good afternoon!

Kiana: ...

Mei: ...I know that things between us aren't tight, but I have something to ask.

Kiana: ...Shoot.

Mei: Do you think Y/N's in trouble?

Kiana: Why? You think he's some bad boy now?

Mei: Wh-What?! No! It's just, he's usually the first in class. He's never been this late.

Kiana: ...That is strange.

Mei: Back when my father wasn't in jail, he had been hunted down a few times. His popularity, money, and reputation were the cause. Do you think it could be a similar situation for Y/N?

Kiana: It could be. He is the first male student here. And no male student existed here in ever.

Mei: His last class was with Ms. Murata. And if I'm right, he always takes the path that has a great view of the forest north of St. Freya.

Kiana: And there's the windows. He always hung out at the window area to take in the smell of the forest.

Mei: We should check. Just in case.

A/N: ...How the fuck do they know all that?

Back with Y/N...

Y/N: They aren't here. The only thing that I find are traps. And some pink haired trap on a body pillow. Who makes those?!

More shots fired, more dropping on the ground. The person nearby seemed to have a clear shot of where I am, whether I move or not.

Y/N: ...No, they don't just have an open shot. They're being assisted. So, this is a 2 v 1. I've handled worse!

I jumped onto a branch and looked around. I closed my eyes and focused. The wind brushing my face. The whistles and shuffling of branches. And the crunch of a branch to the left.

Y/N: There!

I grabbed a smaller branch and threw it. Hard. The sound of wood clashing metal echoed. Not even a second later, the branch and myself disappeared. Jumping towards the target, I heard a voice. The same voice from before.

???: Shit!

Y/N: I have you no-!

A bomb went off, right next to me. It stung, but it hadn't hurt me too much. I was used to fire from my training alone.

Y/N: Tch!

???2: Dammit! It didn't even phase him!

???1: This isn't good! Boss won't like this!

Y/N: So they have a leader. This might prove helpful for my quest to find my family's lineage. My ancestry.

A/N: Hehe, yeah... you definitely have a family...

The smiling Flame Breath user in an all girls school(ADOPTED! By @UnknowingFire)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt