The world felt different, I was scared to get robbed as I walked these streets earlier, but now I was afraid to be alive, this couldn't be natural, there had to be more to this then he was letting on, there had to be side effects or draw backs of coming back to life.

The sounds that made me jump before were lost to me now, not even penetrating my thought filled head.

Why would I get a second chance? I was nothing special. I had nothing really going for me in life to make me special, I worked a normal office job, I lived alone, I didn't go out of my way to help people, so why me?

Because it's all fake, a dream you idiot.

Why did all of this happen? Because I tried doing one good deed and I get repaid by being killed? Maybe me coming back was the worlds was of rewarding me for trying to be a good person?

I sigh as my head starts to pound, the few drunks and homeless people that lined the streets gave me looks, a few asking if I needed help. I either ignore them or tell them I'm fine, I didn't need to go to the hospital, I physically felt fine, I just felt mentally unstable.

When I make it home a half hour later I head straight for my bathroom and turn the shower on, needing to try and wash the night away. Telling myself over and over again this was all just a dream.


"What do you mean she came back to life?" A man yelled as he paced in an abandoned warehouse full of cold bodies.

"Exactly what I said, I was just about to call you when she sat up gasping for air, alive and well." The dark haired man said as he cleaned under his nails with a wet wipe.

The other man that continued his pacing wasn't as calm as the one leaning on the wall, he was on the verge of a break down.

"We have to go after her and bring her back here, she can't be out there alone, who knows what side effects she could have." The brunette said, finally done pacing for a moment.

"No, just leave her be, let whatever happens to her happen."

"Are you crazy?"

Yeonjun smiled as he opened his mouth to respond.

"Don't answer that!" The man held up a finger, he knew his friend was crazy, the mess of bodies that covered the floor was proof of that. "We need to contact Huening Kai."

"Why the goody two shoes?"

"Because, we need to keep an eye on the girl! What if she flips and starts killing people? She died, Yeonjun. She may go crazy and kill herself, we don't know what she will do!" The man ran a hand down his face as his mind raced with how all of this could end.

"Honestly, Beomgyu, I've never seen you so out of it." Yeonjun commented as he kicked one of the dead bodies close to him.


I turn back and forth as the clock beside my bed ticked on, it was already 4am and I had yet to fall asleep. As soon as my eyes closed, images of what had happened pop up in my mind jerking me away from any hope of resting.

It's just a dream, I'll wake up any second and realize that.

The usual silent clock seemed a hundred times louder tonight, the constant tick of the second hand almost made me flinch with how loudly it was echoing off the walls.

It's just a dream...

My breathing started to become shallow and quick as my mind focused on the ticking sound, every second that past felt like a count down, it felt like something would jump out at me, as if my body and mind were waiting to be attacked again.

Just a dream.

I jump up panting as my alarm goes off.

I had tossed and turned all night and I could feel the exhaustion in my bones. Today was Sunday thankfully, I would not be needing to leave my house, not that I even think I could.

I slowly get up off my bed and head for my kitchen needing to have some coffee, anything really to distract me.

As I click the button to start the machine I turn to the stove and stare at is as I try to decide if I'm hungry.

Just a dream.

I jump once more as the coffee maker clicks letting me know my drink was done. I grab the cup and slide down the counter to where the sugar and creamer sat. The clicking of the spoon on the ceramic felt louder, everything felt magnified. Every little sound felt like it was more noticeable, like the sounds were slamming into my head.

I carefully set the spoon down in the sink, my shoulders tensing at the sound of metal on metal.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now