"Okay," Dean breathed out. He cringed and let his head drop to his hands with a grunt. I blinked, trying to understand.

"All right?" Andy turned his back on us and began to walk away, and Sam got out of the car, following him. Not understanding how he could go against what Andy told him to do, I watched in amazement from the front seat. 

"What are you doing? Look, I, I said leave me alone. All right? Get out of here, just start driving and never stop." Sam didn't stop, he held his hands out in confidence.

"Doesn't seem to work on me, Andy."

"What?" Dean got out of the car, and I finally snapped out of the confusion and got out as well. 

"You can make people do things, can't you? You can tell them what to think," Sam said, circling him. He had Andy right where he wanted him. He held out a hand, stopping Dean and me from coming any closer, and even though I wasn't compelled to listen, I happily did.

"Thank god," I mumbled under my breath. If it weren't for the fact that Andy seemed like a good guy, I'd be terrified. Forcing people to do what you wanted like that... It wasn't pleasant, and it sure as hell wasn't coming from anything good.

"Look, tha--" Andy laughed nervously, facing Sam. "that's crazy." 

"It all started about a year ago, didn't it? After you turned twenty-two. Little stuff at first, and then you got better at controlling it." Andy looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"How do you know all this?"

"Because the same thing happened to me, Andy. My mom died in a fire, too. I have abilities too. You see, we're connected, you and me." Sam stood tall against Andy's shorter frame, even if he was hanging down slightly to get eye contact when he spoke.

"You know what? Just, just, just, just get out of here," it took all of my willpower to stay when the echo reached me, even if I was a bit further away from them. "all right?!"

"Why did you tell the doctor to walk in front of a bus?" Sam pushed, and the thought that plagued me once again crossed my mind. If Andy wasn't the killer, that meant two persons walked around town with the ability to control minds.


For a second, Sam cringed, and he looked to be in pain. I took a few steps forward, ready to help him. He looked like he was gonna collapse any second.

"Why did you kill him?" The hunter forced out.

"I didn't!" Andy exclaimed, defending himself. I ran forward as Sam put a hand to his head. He bent over, and Dean passed me and caught his brother before he hit the ground.

"Sam? What is it?" Dean asked, and not until then did I process what was happening. Sam was having a vision.

"Look, I didn't do anything to him," Andy stated and hunched down to make sure the youngest Winchester was okay. Not exactly what a guilty person would do.

"A woman. A woman burning alive," Sam managed between grunts of pain.

"What else'd you get?" I looked up at Dean, noting how he seemed to know just how to handle the situation. His hands stabilized his brother, and his eyes full of concern, but still knowing we needed the information.

"A gas station, a woman is gonna kill herself."

"What does he mean, going to? What is he, what is -"

"Shut up!" Dean snapped, and I snapped at the same time. Andy held his hands up in defense before turning his attention to Sam.

"She gets triggered by a call on her cell." Sam looked at Andy accusingly and held his casted hand out for Dean to help him up.

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