Adam looked at both of the twins, "You guys have seen Terminator, right?"

"Obviously!" They exclaimed simultaneously, and both Adam and Laura looked at them. "That's 2050 on a good day." Adam mentioned before Laura sighed and Y/n looked up at them with raised eyebrows, taking an awkward sip of her water.

"Sorain must've spotted me and planted an altitude bomb on my jet. Here eat something." Laura spoke to her husband, stopping for a moment to give current Adam and Y/n carrots. The twins looked at each other, and Adam mouthed 'the fuc-', before taking slow, confused bites of the food.

"I managed to eject, but it didn't matter." Y/n stopped listening to Laura as she continued to talk about things she didn't understand. She ate her carrot with a strange look on her face, and she held the ice pack uncomfortably on the spot that felt bruised on her back.

Adam and Laura kissed and Y/n smiled at them, she was glad that her brother had grown up and found someone he loved to much. She couldn't help but wonder about her future, even though she's thought about it many times before. She drowned in her own thoughts, until the two started to.. make out.

Adam and Y/n looked at them with shocked and strange expressions. "We're gonna take our eyes and ears for a walk." Adam grabbed his sisters arm gently and she put her ice pack on the counter and followed him willingly.

"Bye now." Adam said as the twins walked to the front door. "You kids have fun." Y/n said sarcastically as Adam opened the door. "But don't have kids!" Adam finished and they left the couple in the house.

Adam and Y/n decided to go on a walk, then they found a pile of decent sized rocks, and started to skip them. Y/n sat in the sand, and thoughts decided to consume her brain again. Why didn't she meet Laura? How did Adam lose her? None of it made sense. Adam noticed her blank face, with eyes filled with confusion. He stopped throwing rocks at the water, and sat down next to his sister carefully.

"What's wrong?" The blond boy asked, his brown eyes scanned his sisters blank expression coming to life as she snapped out of her thoughts.

Her face grimaced, scrunching nip her nose as she frowned. "Adam. Does something bad happen to me in the future? Did Adam tell you if something happened? If he did please tell me. I cant take it anymore, I just want an honest answer. I don't care how bad it is I just don't want to be in the dark anymore." She rambled, shaking her head in a whisper. Adam felt his heart sink at his sisters begging, he knew what happened to her. He just didn't know how to tell her. How could you tell someone that they died in the near future?

"Um..." Adam began, looking down at the sand, he sighed and continued. "Adam told me that... you died when you were a teenager. That you got in a car crash. But he said that he would change the future, and he came back for Laura, so, he'll save you too. I know he will. Because I would." Adam looked back up at his sister in hesitation, and he felt as if he could cry seeing her distressed face. But part of her expression seemed.. relieved. Like all she needed was an answer to her questions, and she didn't care what it was.

"That's crazy... I wonder how that happened.."

"It won't happen when I ban you from driving."

"Oh shut it! You know that I would be more likely die if you were driving anyways!" The two of them laughed, trying to shake off the sadness they felt.

Wow. Just wow.

Y/n Reed was going to die.

Even though Y/n tried to seem okay, knowing her near future scared her. If only she knew that fright and stress were the reasons she would be killed so young.


After Laura and Adam finished.... whatever they were doing. The four of them met up again and sat at the table outside to eat lunch. Laura and Adam noticed the uncomfortable and strange expressions on the twins faces as they ate, and they watched them for a minute. But they couldn't help but look up at each other lovingly.

"You know what you have to do."

"Nooo. No. I came back for you."

"I know. But we can't have a life here. Not like this. Now you have to go back to 2018, and you have to put things right. You have to put an end to all this."

"What do you mean "put an end to it"?" Adam asked, looking at Laura's saddened expression, Y/n looking at them from beside him, feeling heavy hearted for many reasons.

"I mean, stop time travel from ever being invented, and save the future. "

"Fine, come with me, and we'll-"

Y/n looked down at her plate, no longer feeling hungry, Adam looked at his sisters solemn expression with a frown.

God. Why did the future even exist? Why do bad things happen to good people?

"If I go back and I stop time travel, which is an extremely big 'if', with Sorain on my ass, we never meet. We never happen. We never happen, Laura."

"We did happen." Laura grabbed her husbands face, and Y/n felt a pit in her stomach, like something bad was about to happen. "Every moment we ever had, will always have happened. Even if we correct the time stream, somewhere in us will be the echo of this one. And maybe you won't have to hurt as much, because saving the future, means saving someone you love even more."

"What if... what if your wrong? And you're probably wrong."

"When am I ever wrong?"

Adam and Y/n looked down at the table after watching the couple, and an alarm went off, startling all four of them. They looked at the house, and Adam asked, "What is that?"

"They found us."

Laura rushed inside, looking at something for a moment before going back to Adam and the twins. "There's a dirt road around the bend. I'll buy you the time to get to your jet."

"No, no, no. Hey. I'm not leaving."

"You have to!" Laura tugged Adam towards the car and Y/n and her brother watched them in distress. "What are you talking about?"

They argued and Laura pushed Adam at the car, current Adam hopping and the passenger seat quickly and Y/n plopped in the back seat with an anxious sigh.

"Adam! Stop it! Please! I know you came for me. Now you have to leave for me, please." The two kissed again passionately, "Hey, I love you." Adam told Laura as they broke apart. "That's why I know you're gonna find me again." They kissed one last time, and a tear slipped down Y/n's face. Her brother didn't need this much pain, she already knew about all of the sorrow that weighed down his heart, and this was too much.

Adam jumped in the car as Laura yelled, "Go!" Tears fell down his face as he broke. "God damn it!" He screeched, banging on the steering wheel, making his younger self and his sister jump.

Why did bad things happen to good people?


A/N : Uhhh.. heeey. Sorry for being dead for so long, I've had a really busy week, anyways I love you guys and I hope you like this chapter!

𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄, the adam projectWhere stories live. Discover now