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(I am super glad you guys are liking this story! Omg it's so freaking crazy to me that people actually read this!)


Y/n walked outside as soon as she saw Adam at the door to the garage. She heard his... semi comforting words towards her brother as she walked up to the garage, sitting on the steps and looking towards Adam again, he was still in the same place she left him. A frown was apparent on her face, at least it was apparent to Adam, seeing her frown made the man more upset than he already was.

"You don't go from being you to being me without gettin your ass kicked!" Adam sat down beside Y/n. "A lot! All the time!"

Adam stuck his tongue out in a vomiting motion before he kept talking, "I'm sorry if I went too far today.. I shouldn't have done that."

There was silence for a moment as Y/n watched Adam apologize, a smile on her face, as she thought things would turn out better now. There was a sudden sound that broke the quiet as Y/n jumped and turned around, seeing Adam standing there with a picture of a woman. Y/n furrowed her eye brows in confusion, sure the woman was beautiful but how was she relevant in any way?

"Who's this?" Adam asked the same thing Y/n was thinking. "Who's who?" Adam finally turned to look at his younger self, his face immediately dropping seeing the picture of the woman.

"Put that back!" He said sternly as he stood up and looked at adam through the transparent door. "You put that back."

"As soon as you tell me who she is. Y/n wants to know too!" Adam responded as he held up the device, noticing the curious look on his sisters face.

"That's my wife." Adam spoke solemnly, looking in the same brown eyes he had. "Laura."

"We have a wife?"

"No. We do not have a wife... anymore."

Y/n's face dropped as the two spoke, feeling heavy hearted for Adam. He walked away and Y/n watched him go, her brother looking down in guilt. "You didn't know Adam.. it's okay." Y/n softly smiled at her brother and he tried his best to grin at her.

God, what the hell could he do without her?

Adam unlocked the door to his dads garage as his future self walked away. His sister stood in front of his with a small smile on her face. He hadn't forgotten what he was told just that morning. That she wouldn't make it to the future. That she would die. Adam still couldn't take it. He looked at her, his heavy heartedness noticeable on his face.

"It'll be okay Adam. Those kids are just assholes."
It was obvious she didn't understand what he was upset about. That's what hurt him the most, she didn't know, but he couldn't tell her. How the hell would he be able to tell her?

"I know. Thanks."


Adam sat in a bar, completely drained from the day. He met his younger self and his sister, and those two were just killing him. He couldn't stand how his younger self treated his family, even after all they've been through. He sat there silently as the thoughts he desperately wanted to get rid of filled his head once again.

He heard voices talking and he looked up to see..Ellie. His eyes softened as they looked at her drained out state. He listened as she spoke to the bartender exhaustedly.

"Hmm. Your kids still havin' a hard time?"

"My son hates me. It's not his fault. He's... he's.. just dealing. And my girl she's dealing too... but she deals differently. She um.. I woke up last night and she had a breakdown.. she was crying on the floor. She doesn't tell people things until her emotions come bursting out of her. I hate it.. I want her to talk to me. I just.... I don't want her to get hurt."

𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄, the adam projectWhere stories live. Discover now