🦋 The tastiest boyfriend

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Guys! Finally back here.
Missed this story in the past week, but I'm back with a 3.5k words chapter. :))

Also! I'm working on a new three parts story that will be fucking incredible. I can't wait for you to read it.

It'll be called Beauty in a cage.


This next chapter is... Interesting.

Too many things happen.

So be ready for a rollercoaster and some 🔥

Mag 🦋

The tastiest boyfriend.

It was already morning and some sun rays were slipping into Harry's room through the curtains.

I stirred in my sleep, feeling Harry's body pressed against my front and shifting in bed to hug me.
I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light and groaning a little.

"Let's just stay in bed for a little longer." - Harry whispered, nuzzling into my neck and breathing deeply.

"Alright. How are you feeling?" - I whispered in response, running a soft hand on his back.

"So much better. Keep doing that." - He mumbled.

I smiled to myself and kept stroking Harry's back in slow motions, closing my eyes again and almost rocking both of us back to sleep.

"I could get used to having you in my bed. It's the best way of waking up." - He murmured and I nodded.

I could get used to this too.
But, I knew I couldn't.

And that made me remember all the things we still had left to discuss.

"Yeah... I love waking up next to you too... and that's why we should, you know, talk about us."

"Don't ruin my morning already."

"Love, we need to have this talk."

"We have time. Let's enjoy what we have for now, the rest will fall into place."

"It won't if we don't sort it out. We need to have a plan, I don't want any of us to be let down or left with a broken heart."

"Why would any of us be left with a broken heart? I clearly want you. And you want me. We'll figure it out when the time comes."

"Harry, please hear me out. I'll be back to England. I have to work there. I can't leave without talking about it with you."

"Would you be my boyfriend, Lou?"


"Would you?"

"I can't answer that if you don't want to talk to me about our immediate future."

"If you want to be my boyfriend, then we'll really have something to talk about. In the meantime, if we're nothing, then it's a no strings attached kind of relationship and there's no need for that talk."

"You know this isn't a no strings attached relationship, Harry."

"I need something to hold on to, Lou. So, would you be my boyfriend? Please." - He said, with truly begging eyes.

"Harry, you said yourself that our happiness would be difficult. That we would have to make only right decisions from now on. We need to talk through things. We can't just..." - I sighed.

Butterflies [L.S]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant