making the move

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The next week or so colby asked me if I wanted to I said sure

I got dressed and went down to help colby

When we were packing some stuff up in the living room Elton came in

"Guys I'm going to new Zealand and was wondering if yous wanted to come?" He said

"What when?" Corey asked

"It'll be right after we move and unpack I'll get a caravan we'll explore it'll be great fun"

"Um I'm not sure we'd need to talk to some people" Sam said

"Who?" Elton asked obliviously

"Um kat, Alex, devyn?" Sam said

"Ohhh yeah totally just update me when you know"

We went back to packing and kat came over to help as well

Kat and I were just speaking and packing until colny asked to help with his room

We got to the room and I saw it was already packed

"If you're wanting something sexual you're not getting any" I say

"No no.... well it would be a plus I wanted to speak about Elton and his trip"

"Oh well that's not really up to me that's for you to decide"

"Yeah but I want you to share your opinion" He pushed further

"Well I think you should go"


"Yeah it's an amazing opportunity and it'll be fun plus if Sam's going you have to"

"No I dont"

"Yes you do, now I want you to go and call me whenever you can text me and when your back hopefully I'll be moving in with kat"

"Wait that's happening??"

"Well i haven't spoken to my dad about leaving yet but yeah Ryan told me to go even if he's going or not"

"I could kiss you right now" He said lifting me up and twirling me around

"Okay okay put me down not everything packed we will break something!"

He picks my feet up and places me on his bed

He layed next to me

"Wanna watch shameless?"

"Hell yeah" He said

We watched it I needed to go home

"I need to start getting ready to leave"

"What why?" He said

"Umm I don't know maybe because it's 7pm??" I say


"I cant"

"Why not?"

"I don't have clothes"

"I'll lend you some then you can wear the skirt you're wearing and one of my tops"

"Then what am I wearing tonight?"

He gave me that face 😏

"Nice try"

"You can wear my shirt" He took his shirt off and handed it to me

"Really" I roll my eyes "two can play at that game" i changed into the shirt and took off the skirt I was wearing and that left some gym shorts I had underneath

The shirt covered everything that needed to be but it was only to wind up colby

I laid down next to him and we continued watching shameless until we fell asleep

Colby got a call from sam and we woke up

He told us to go out of the room

We went out and saw rat traps all lined up in his hallway

"What the fuck" I said laughing

"You got pranked" Sam shouted "payback for the ducktape"

"You actually did that?"

"Yeah my thumbs hurt afterwards" He said looking down at his thumbs I laughed

They started throwing things at us and we tried to hide

Unfortunately I got hit like three times by Elton

"OW ELTON!" I say rubbing my leg

"Sorry I'm aimed for colby" He said back

They stopped throwing things and started talking

"Ok no joke I think I can get past this" I say

"Ok but you can't use shoes and if you just walk all of it we will throw things at you" jake said

"Deal" I say

"What?" Colby said confused

I put my hair up and tie the shirt up so it doesn't go up and I get into a hand stand and start walking in it

All the guys were screaming a shouting I struggled and wobbled at the end

I got to the end and stood up

"Ouch" I say rubbing my arms

"Cmon colby" Elton said

"Yeah come on colby" Corey said

Elton started throwing stuff

"Alex could do it" Sam said

"I can't even do a handstand nevermind walk in one" He shouted I laughed

"Jump it" Corey said

We got everything moved for him to jump it and he did but his heel got caught in two traps


We laughed and joked and Sam stopped filming

"Now we need to clean this up" Sam said

"Pffft we?? No there is no we in Samuel but there is a u" I say

"But there is also an us?" Sam said

"Nope doesn't count"


"Because the s stands for 'suck it asshole have fun cleaning this mess up by yourself!' " I say getting a broom and pushing a path so we can get into colbys room again

"This is why I date you" colby said walking into his room "You're full of amazing ideas" He put his hands on my waist and kissed me

"I have some smarts" I say in a baby voice "just not for a lot of ofther fhings" I smile

"You're too cute" He kissed me

"I know" I say

We fall asleep watching a movie

My Kind Of Crazy ~ Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now