the price we pay

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The cameras are blinding even through her thick shades, and Y/N raises a hand to block it out. She knows what they're here for. What they want from her. What they want to hear from her. 

"Baek-ssi, you're a former teammate of Jo Mahon and Choi Sangho; what are your thoughts on the recent revelations involving the late Jo Mahon's doping incident?!" One particularly bold newscaster hollers over the din of the others, and Baek Y/N bites her lip hard enough for it to hurt. 

'Please don't ask me that', she thinks desperately, chest tightening with heartache and misery. 'Please don't ask me that right now'. 

"Baek-ssi, were you aware of Choi Sangho's true intentions?!" 

"Baek-ssi, you were rumored to have been in a relationship with Choi Sangho, but some sources said that it was actually Jo Mahon you are involved with! Are these rumors true, Baek-ssi?!" 

"Baek-ssi, are you an accomplice to Jo Mahon's doping incident and suicide?!"

Y/N's knees almost gives out at that question, grief and anguish crashing over her like a wave and drowning her within its depths, but she keeps on marching forward, taking one step after another, pushing through the sea of bodies clamoring to get to her. She holds on, until she can't breathe, until she finally clambers into the car prepared for her. She holds on, until she finally can't. 

Cameras are still clicking outside of the car, people are still making a racket, but behind the tinted windows of her car, alone in the backseat... 

Baek Y/N covers her face, and finally lets herself weep, wondering where things went wrong. 

cash in on that guilt of yours [Sangho Choi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now