☾ Art ☽

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This isn't a chapter or anything, this is the art section of the book :) Peyton aka the second owner of the account and the one who edited the latest chapter for me as I was vacation, she made art for Escape so I present to you the first piece!

This isn't a chapter or anything, this is the art section of the book :) Peyton aka the second owner of the account and the one who edited the latest chapter for me as I was vacation, she made art for Escape so I present to you the first piece!

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What if Angelina Was Moon Knight?
(Made by Peyton Aka second owner)
(@/someking_pey on Instagram and TikTok ;) )

So ta da the first piece of art! If you guys wanna send art or graphics, then send them to me on Pinterest I'm GalaxyRose_ (Moon Knight pfp) Or on here if that's possible, chapter will continue to get updated if I myself makes edits, so yeah that's about it, cya in the next chapter :)


𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 『 Moon Knight x OC 』Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant