texting first - 5

Start from the beginning

sent: 12:12
me: what?

sent: 12:13
jj.: i just replied to your 'hi', history partner


somehow, that made simon smile.

sent: 12:13
me: dont? you read it time ago you dont need to respond

sent: 12:13
jj.: are you always going to be like this?

sent: 12:13
me: ye so dont waste your time :p

sent: 12:14
jj.: bye then


'i mean, you're ruining your chances here.', talia teased.

'uh- huh?', simon stuttered.

'i saw you smiling at your phone so i decided to be nosy. of course, it was jj who was texting you. you should really start being nice to him. or at least give him a chance.', talia reported.

'i know. i want to, i just- don't know how.', simon said, sighing.

'just be nice when he texts you? or talks to you? don't be such a dickhead.', talia teased.

soon after she ended her sentence, she ran.

simon was confused as to why she started running, but then saw her laying on the pitch in freya's arms.

simon rolled his eyes and walked over the the brunette boy.

'girls, innit?', josh joked.

'yep.', simon giggled.


it was time for freya and josh to go home. they all said their goodbyes and left.

simon and talia stayed at the tiny park.

'simon?', talia looked at simon, who was facing his phone.

he hummed in response, letting her know he's listening.

'why don't you like jj?', the smaller girl asked.

'no, i do like him. i just- act like i don't.', simon explained.

'why? it looks like it genuinely hurts him.', she said.

'well, i don't really care. i don't want to befriend him.'

'why?', she questioned.

'because. i'm scared he'll fuck up my work ethic and just my life in general. it happened with-', talia cut him off.

'your ex, too. i know, i know. but come on. not everyone's like that?! plus, you're not gonna date jj, i suppose?', natalia stated.

'true, but still.', simon stared down at the floor.

'just give him a chance. text him!', talia proposed.

'okay.', simon sighed out.

sent: 13.34
me: hi jj


'this is a horrible mistake.', simon sighed out of regret after a few minutes of silence.

'no! look! a new message!', talia pointed out.


sent: 13:38
jj.: oh, so am i not just your history partner now?

sent: 13:38
me: no, you are. but uh, yeah.

sent: 13:38
jj.: im vaping right now im so in love with this flavour.

sent: 13:38
me: bleh. >;p

sent: 13:39
jj.: you type like a two year old x

sent: 13:39
me: you type like a chav. (:

sent: 13:39
jj.: right okay 😭
jj.: well why are you texting me at this time?

sent: 13:39
me: wdym at this time? it's the afternoon.

sent: 13:39
jj.: yh but its my vape-time
jj.: EVERYONE knows not to text me during my vape-time

sent: 13:40
me: mkay, i couldnt care less icl

sent: 13:40
jj.: wanna finish history up tomoz?

sent: 13:40
me: sure
me: where?

sent: 13:40
jj.: mine? im home alone tomorrow 😉

sent: 13:40
me: right
me: see you tomorrow then (:

sent: 13:40
jj.: cool


'oh my god. it's a date!', talia squeaked.

'no, talia. it's not. we're just going to finish up history.', simon stated.

'you're no fun.', talia rolled her eyes.

'okay.', simon teased.


after a while, talia had to head home. so did simon.

they hugged each other goodbye and left.

simon left with a cheeky grin, beaming.

he was way too excited for tomorrow.


they're coming together you lot..

it's happening!!

- sarah

opposites ; ksimon ffWhere stories live. Discover now