The Room At The End Of The Hall

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Told by Sarahpooh2

One of my relatives' houses has always had a vibe to it. There's this one room in the house that no matter when you go into it, you always feel like you're being watched.

My relative also has this same feeling towards this room, to the point they use it only for storage. It was meant to be their bedroom but they were so creeped out by the feeling of them being watched 24/7 that they couldn't stay in it.

I've had a few weird/unexplainable things happen to me in their house. Some I definitely won't forget about. The room I mentioned lies at the end of a hallway. So when you go to the other rooms or the bathroom you're going to see the room. There's no avoiding it.

A few years ago, I was hanging out at their house. I had just got done using the restroom so I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Well at first, I thought I was hearing things when I was walking down the hallway. I could've sworn that I was hearing footsteps behind me.

I tried shaking it off and thought it was just my imagination but when I started walking down the hallway again, it started again but this time, the footfalls were faster. I stopped and just stood there for a few minutes. I couldn't bring myself to look behind me and honestly, I was too scared to look. I felt like if I did, I would see someone behind me. It felt like there was someone right behind me.

I took another step forward and that's when the footsteps were now running towards me, and I'm not talking like light footsteps. Whatever was behind me was straight up running at me. So I did the only thing I knew to do—I hightailed out of the hallway and into the kitchen. I could still hear it running after me. It didn't stop until I was in their living room.

When I got into the living room, my relative asked what was wrong and I told them what happened. They told me that they had been having issues with the lights in one of the rooms turning on and off on their own. Sometimes, they even hear banging on the walls from time to time. They said that whenever something happened, it stayed around that bedroom.

It was definitely something that I won't forget. I've had quite a few paranormal encounters but that one has definitely stuck with me over the years.

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