Chapter 003

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"Those Honor students are really something!"

"He saved the girl who was watching the duel!"

In the principal's office.

"As expected of my Grandsons!" Said Sullivan cheerfully, "That's a good start Iruma and Kusuo!!" Continued Sullivan while jumping around cheerfully.

"What should I do? I did something so horrible to him.. I need to apologize to him at once--" Iruma was cut off by the door being opened by a certain pink haired demon.

You have nothing to worry about Iruma. He went closer to both Iruma and Kusuo, "A---Asmodeus..?" Iruma covered his head as he thought Asmodeus was about to hit him, But unexpectedly (with the exception of Kusuo and the rest--) kneeled down.

Iruma was dumbfounded as Kusuo just stared, "Lord Kusuo and Iruma! You've defeated me there!" "Dont call us that.".

"I completely lost to both of you in the duel earlier." I didn't really do anything. "Besides, You even took me to the dispensary.." Good for you. "I, Asmodeus, am deeply greatful to you. As per demon custom, the loser has to serve the winner." I think we're good, "So.." He stared at Kusuo and Iruma (mostly Kusuo) and a closed-eyed smile appeared on his face, following with some light blush.

"I'll dedicate myself to you! And work to dominate the school together!"


"Good grief."

"H--Hold it right there!"

"Let's go and have the freshmen under our command!"


"Lord Kusuo and Lord Iruma, Who would you like to start with? Please give me the order."

Don't call me that.

"Iruma-kun~ Kusu-kun~ Can I put this photo on the homepage of the school's website~?"

"Please Stop."


Next Day (☞゚ヮ゚) (゚ヮ゚)

"NOOOO!!!!" Screamed Iruma as he woke up from a dream, What the fuck. Kusuo woke up to Iruma's scream still having a neutral face on.

"That's weird..." Whispered Iruma to his self. Your dream must've been a nightmare.

"GOOD MORNING!!!! KUSU AND IRUMA MY DEAREST GRANDSONS!!" Sullivan said bursting through the door.

"Grandpa is here!" Waved Sullivan to his two grandsons, "G--goodmorning.. Grandpa.." Sweatdropped Iruma as he sat up on his bed.

"Good morning.. Grandpa." Kusuo said via telepathy,  "That's a blessing to the ear!" Said Sullivan cheerfully.

[ I have become the grandson of a demon.. Together with Kusuo.. ] Iruma sweatdropped.

The two of them were now in the dining room along with Sullivan and Opera, "Did you both sleep well last night?" Asked Sullivan, "Hn." Answered Kusuo with a nod, "Uh--Yes!" Answered Iruma also with a following nod.

"Help yourself to it, You're both still growing." Stated Sullivan as Kusuo and Iruma agreed.

[ It takes a little courage, to eat food of the demon. ] Well it's better than nothing..

[ But it looks delicious... ] Why do some of them look like giant bugs. Ew.

They both tasted the food.

Iruma enjoyed the food as Kusuo also surprisingly did, [ I can slowly enjoy such a hearty meal for the first time.. ] It's surprisingly... Not disgusting.. Iruma's face made it obvious that the food was delicious, as Kusuo just stayed n e u t r a l. WAIT.... Do coffee jellies exist here?.. HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT COFFEE JELLY. Kusuo cried internally but still kept a neutral face outside.

They continued to eat and drank "Grey Hell Tea" which they also enjoyed, "Today is the first day at school!" Said Sullivan as Iruma realised he spat the Tea out of shock.

[ I really don't want to go! ] Same.

[ If they find out we were human, they might eat us! ] They would probably try to.

"Uh.. Well, I would like to discuss something.. About the school .." Said Iruma, "Before that.. Alright!" Sullivan averted his head to Opera with a close eyed smile on as Opera flicked his fingers, as some curtains-- Where did that come from? Opened reaviling school supplies.

"These are the gifts that I bought for you both to celebrate you going to school!!" Sullivan happily said, Oh.

"It's all for us?.. But you already gave us a lot of gifts yesterday.." He's a rich demon, it's kind of expected.. "Those were gifts to celebrate me having grandsons!" Happily stated Sullivan, Ah.

"These are going to celebrate you going to school!" So there's more?

"Surprise!! Opera and I stitched these, what do you think?" Said Sullivan "It's very lovely.." "It's nice.".

"I'm not good at it, so it took me some time. But I really enjoyed it." Said Sullivan showing his bandaged hands.

He took out another thing which was a clock. "It's the Hellraiser Clock!" What a name for a clock.. "You can get up in the morning without oversleeping." Sullivan stated as the clock then made some.. Noises.. But anyway, "So what did you want to discuss?" Asked the satisfied Sullivan.

"Well, about school.."

"About school?"

"I just.."



"I just can't wait to go to school..." Iruma uttered out in defeat.

Wow, that was awkward.

"Well, we'll go to school now!" Iruma and Kusuo were now walking to school, "Be safe!" Said Sullivan waving, "Take care!"

"Alright, let's follow them!" Sullivan said bringing out a camera. "I want to take pictures of their first day at school." Sullivan was then dragged away by none other than Opera, "You need to stay home to work.".

"Wait a minute, Opera!" Whined Sullivan.

Kusuo Suzuki's Newest Adventure[ Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun! x Saiki K! ]Where stories live. Discover now