Chapter 4-Rushes & Possibly Crushes?

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Ranboo's POV
(TW: Swearing)

I tried, I tried so hard to stop looking at him since it was probably freaking him out I mean, he was stunning. Not very tall but funny, kind and good god his eyes were like something I had never seen. I know his dull pale eyes are a stupid reason to be amazed by him but I was truely locked in admiration. I felt a dark cloud hover over my head once he disappeared from my sight. I stayed in my thoughts before I remembered where I was and most importantly...who I was with.
"What was that?" I heard Tommy question with a stupid smile and narrowed eyes. He sounded freakishly excited as he and Niki leaned closer to me over the table. I shifted my eyes nervously between them.
"What was what?" I hissed in return, my voice hinting annoyance already. I began to feel my stomach twist being the center of attention like this, shifting my tired eyes between the two smirking weirdos.
"The random boost of confidence you just had, what was with that?" Tommy clarified as he propped his chin up in his palms. I just stayed quiet, narrowing my eyes with furrowed eyebrows. I felt my back hunch as my insecurities poured through again, causing me to feel small.
"Can I not be confident?" I said in a questioning tone, ending with a small sigh. It took a toll on me a little bit but the other half of my head was hoping he didn't mean it like that. Tommy's eyes widened as he noticed how his comment rubbed off.
"No, no, no! I mean you were hiding a second ago before Tubbo came.." He cried, both hands covering his face.
"Wow, you are really lacking some...'think before you speak' today." I heard Niki giggle. Tommy didn't reply, simply dropped his head in his arms as he faced down into the table. I couldn't help but crack up into a quiet laughter, leaning forward and reaching over to him. I gently patted his arm, assuring him I understood.
"It's okay, Tom." I managed through chuckles, getting a groan from the regretful boy in return. Niki and I began to laugh, not that it was super funny but I think all of us were just incredibly hungry.

Not too long after, we were having some meaningless conversations before I glanced out of my right eye. I caught the sight of Tubbo heading our way with a tray of drinks. My head fell into a rush of fear and happiness at the same damn time. Quicker than ever before, I leaned back and folded my hands in my lap. Tommy lifted his head from his arms for a brief moment to look at me oddly but before he could even say a single word, someone else's voice chimed in.
"Okay! Drinks." Said the lovely voice that belonged to none other than Tubs. My eyes looked at him all on their own. I didn't even try to fight it..
"So, Dr. Pepper for you..." He continued, trailing off while He placed the big glass in front of Niki. "Then Rootbeer for-" Tubs placed the glass next to Tommy who still had his head in his arms. Tubbo glanced at me and Niki, unsure what was wrong with him.
"Dude, what is up with you?" He questioned, breaking out into a small laughter as he patted his head lightly.
"Tommy is just not on his game today." Niki answered with a head shake as she picked up her glass and took a tiny sip.
"Fair enough. And lastly," He shrugged, picking up the last drink on the tray that had to belong to me. Since I was the only one without a drink. "Here is your Coke, kind sir." Tubbo finished as a friendly meek smile appeared on his face. I felt my back fix itself, my sitting position was more...confident to say the least. I watched him with interest as he placed the drink down. I reached over and pulled it closer to me.
"Thank you." I breathed quietly. Wow, couldn't have been even a bit louder. He probably didn't even hear you, idiot. My thoughts scolded. I discreetly rolled my eyes, shaking my head slightly as if it were going to get rid of the annoying little voice in my mind.
"Well, it's what I'm paid to do but you're welcome." I heard him respond sheepishly. I tried not to look shocked by the fact that he actually heard me. I mean-it wasn't that hard for me to hide my emotions with the 7 years of practice so I simply nodded and smiled. Tubbo looked away from me, his eyes staring at the floor for a small moment. I swear I saw the sweetest smile appear before he lifted his head back up with a simple work smile. He then tucked the tray under his arm and set up his notepad and pencil.
"Question, do you have a boyfriend?" Tommy cut him off swiftly. Although his question was rather unexpected. All our eyes shot towards the blonde boy, staying completely soundless doing so.
"Tommy, what the heck?" Niki muttered, her stare fading into a glare. I glanced over to Tubbo who still looked rather taken back by the question, his pale blue hues wide while the unamusion reflected off his face.
"No-Niki it's okay.." He finally spoke up, trailing off to take a self-calming breath. "I do not, Tom." Tubbo answered hesitantly as he inhaled sharply. I looked away as I heard him then exhale heavily while breaking his eye contact with Tommy and looking down at the notepad in his hand. Tommy just nodded understandingly and then his gaze looked at me with a smile. Not just any smile. It was the smile that projected he was up to something. I furrowed my eyebrows at him but he simply looked away. It made me nervous, what the hell was he thinking?
"On a completely different note...are you guys ready to order?" Tubbo questioned gently although he still sounded kind of annoyed. Either way, I felt my curious head slow down its thought process to the ringing of his voice. God this was a weird emotion..

be patient with me. //BeeDuo//Where stories live. Discover now