3. Let Us Begin

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The foreign countries woke up to angry screaming coming from the hallway the states slept in.


They also heard crying coming from the same hall and America's voice as he tried to separate the two states. When the other countries went into the hall, bleary eyed and confused since it was two in the morning, they saw two states being held back from each other by America. One of them was holding a rifle and the other was holding the leash of a large alligator. The countries started to panic since the children both looked to be around ten and had extremely dangerous things in their control.

"Call down, they do this all the time."

America sighed and handed the two struggling states to Connecticut and Maryland, while he went over to another crying state who looked to be about six and a large husky sitting by her side, whimpering.

"Hey baby, its alright. We're gonna get you all fixed up, okay? Hey Pennsylvania, go get the medical supplies please."

America directed the last part to his second oldest child, who immediately nodded and hurried out of the room. America picked up the crying girl and walked over to the countries.

"Sorry about that, something that this happens every morning so you might want to get used to it. By the way, this is Alaska."

"Can I hold her?"

Iceland spoke quickly, as if embarrassed by his request. America also seemed slightly surprised by this but complied. Iceland held her tenderly and seemed stars truck by the child. Finland laughed.

"Ah, you have finally found someone who likes you ystäväni?"

Iceland glared at him but didn't move from his spot. Pennsylvania chose then to rush into the room with a medicine basket. America quickly treated the wound, no one asked how he knew how to treat it, and stood up.

"Alright then, who wants breakfast?"


Hello! I'm sorry I didn't post in a few days and I'm sorry this chapter is really short, but Easter was a few days ago so my family was really caught up. I also kind of lost motivation for this chapter because there are some ideas I have for the future! Alright, bye!

ystäväni: my friend

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