"Hi Rae how was school?" she asks.

"It was pretty good, I smell that you're making something good." I gaze around the counter tops.

I was right.

"I love your banana pudding, honestly you should open up a shop or something." I say placing my keys on the counter. She lets out a chuckle.

"Thank you honey."

"Also mom, I'm going to a celebration at 5pm. I should be back around 8 something." I remember to say.

"Okay thats fine, stay safe."

"Will do." I shoot her a smile and head to my room. I toss my bag beside my desk and head to the bathroom. I turn the shower nob towards the middle, not too hot, not too cold. While the water is getting warm I brush my teeth and my usual skin care. Then I hop in the shower.

15 minutes later

Shit. I got to caught up with my shower thoughts I'm gonna be late. I check the time after drying off and it reads 4:48pm. I rush out the bathroom pushing my door open. I open my closet and its a hot mess. I completely forgot the clothing crisis i had this morning. Time to go dumpster diving.

10 minutes later..

Ok. I somehow found an outfit from last winter by some overgrown sandals of mine. I slip it on as quick as i can, and freshen up in the mirror. Luckily I have locs so I don't really have to do much. I quickly swoop my edges and grab a pair of earrings from my drawer.

(you can imagine her wearing this PS she doesn't look like this, shes only wearing the outfit

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(you can imagine her wearing this PS she doesn't look like this, shes only wearing the outfit.)

I spray some into the night from bath n body works on and head out the door. I check the time and it reads 5:14pm. I'm gonna get scolded before i even get a chance to sit down. I head out the door waving my mom goodbye.

I don't have my own car yet so I'm using my moms. I crank the engine and turn on lana del ray normally I would have to use GPS but I go to this place so often I know it by heart. I turn up the radio and get comfortable.

15 minutes later

I'm hella late, everyone should already be here by now. I check one last time in the mirror to make sure I'm straight. I take my phone out and click on Instagram ready to post a pic. Caption,

Dinner night 🍾‼️


I hop out the car locking it behind me and I head into the restaurant. I wonder who's all gonna be here..

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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