Fred Weasley: Tables Turned

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quick note: i hate sad Fred fanfics so this one's more fluffy :)

You crouched down around the corner of the west corridor, near the Gryffindor common room. Watching. Waiting. He'll never see it coming, you thought, a wry grin gracing your features.

It was a quiet day on Christmas break and most of the students had gone home leaving you and a select few others the whole run of the castle. It became boring quite quickly, and with no other choice, you took matters into your own hands.

The plan was set.

Everything in place.

Your particular target was coming and the countdown began. 15, 14, 13...

Footsteps sounded down the lilting scuffed stone on the old passage. They went on without hesitation. Good, he doesn't suspect anything.

8, 7, 6...

C'mon, just a bit closer...

3, 2, 1...

BANG! The screech of a flying firework wailed through the empty air, popping and spewing sparks everywhere. You heard the panicked beginnings of a scream and you chuckled a bit. Peeking delicately around the corner of your hiding place, the chaos fell before you.

Fred Weasley danced wildly around, in all his flaming glory, attempting to shake the fire loose from his hair while miniature fire crackers pinged around him. Hopping from one foot to the other frantically, he looked like an odd flappy bird. The greedy licking flames only spread further whenever he touched it. It wasn't real fire, of course, but he didn't know that. In time he would've figured it out, but you were quite clever and the spell you had made worked better than you could've ever hoped for. Feignignio, you called it.

You bust out into laughter, holding your sides as you watched the prankster become the pranked. Fred looked up and saw you giggling and his eyes widened. "Y/n! You bloody git! Help me!"

As you walked up, the fire slowly smoldered down. You hadn't found a way to make it last much longer. "My, my. How the tables have turned, dear Freddie," you said, smirking.

As much as he wished to, Fred couldn't stay mad at you. You had been best friends for far too long and besides, not many people had gotten him back for his endless torment and it impressed him. "I think you spend too much time around me," he laughed, shaking his head ruefully.

"Quite the contrary, actually. I think I've been learning quite a lot."

"Well, in that case, I'd call myself a good teacher," he said. He studied his reddened arms before looking up at you. "Fake fire? How'd you manage that?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out," you laughed.

"What would I have to do for you to tell me?" Fred asked, mischief stealing it's way into his expression. He had one brow raised and a smirk spelled out on his lips.

"I shan't part with my hard-earned information." You crossed your arms, defiant. As though daring him to beg.

"No? Nothing?"

"Nothing," you repeated.

He stepped closer. You could see some ash caught in his eyebrow, still burning a scarlet red at its core. Without thinking, your hand went up to brush it away. Fred grasped it lightly as you moved to draw it back. "Are you sure there isn't anything I could do to convince you?" He asked, moving so close that one wrong (or right) move would've had you touching.

"I—no—nothing," you stuttered out.

"And how about this?"

He swept down and kissed you, teeth gently pulling your bottom lip. It felt like silk, tasting of chocolate and orange. You were stunned, not even conscious enough to close your eyes. Fred pulled back, glancing at you awkwardly. Your mouth was still half-open, jaw slack, and eyes big. "Um— I mean, maybe that's not the most convincing—," he began.

You abruptly silenced him once you finally came to your senses. Eyes closed properly, arms draped around his neck as Fred tugged at the loops in your jeans. If you could drown in this moment, you would've died gladly.

You both pulled up for air, with very unromantic grins plastered on your faces. Fred scrunched his nose while gazing down at you."Will you tell me now, y/n?"

"Hmmm. No."

"You're killing me," Fred groaned, yet his expression could never hide the joy he felt. Little did you know, he'd been wanting to do that for years.

"I'll give you a good burial afterwards, love."

Fred is probably my favorite twin. why? i have science to back me up: when i first read the books, i looked at who started the jokes and who finished them (because the twins would finish each other's sentences) and Fred was more often the one who started jokes and so i determined i liked him more. 🤷‍♀️

comment your favorite twin —>

love y'all,
jen xoxo

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