5: Selfish and Greedy

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Since then, whenever Yibo has nightmares or whenever there is a storm, he will seek refuge in Zhan's presence. He will quietly climb on the elder's bed, tuck his head on Zhan's back and fall asleep in ease. In the morning, he will be gone as soon as the sun rises without waking Zhan up.

This young lad didn't know, Zhan knew what he has been doing. The older kept quiet, pretending not to know. He finds Yibo's secret funny yet so much adorable, Zhan wouldn't dare spoil Yibo's habits.

But it wasn't every time that being still, quiet and sneaky were good characters. Especially if it puts Yibo in a disadvantage.


Zhan was with his friend Yubin at the rooftop of the high school building when the latter stopped munching his food, frowning remembering his younger sister's story last night. "I can't help thinking about it. I shouldn't interfere but I think you should know Zhan."

The next time Yubin opened his mouth, Zhan's heart dropped. An anxious feeling kicked in a thousand times worse than he had ever felt. With rage and worry, Zhan ran to his Didi's classroom.

Catching his breath and wiping the formed sweats on his forehead, Zhan tried to be calm but the stiring emotions in his chest continuously brim.

"Bo-di, why aren't you eating the packed lunch Mom had made for you?" His voice was strained that made Yibo flinch. The latter was beyond surprise to see his Gege in the primary school grounds.

"I-I'm done, Ge." Yibo avoided Zhan's gaze. 'He couldn't have known, could he?' Yibo fumbled with his fingers under his desk, his panicked thoughts growing wild.

Zhan crouched beside him and Yibo almost jumped from his seat. "If you lie one more time, I will tell your parents that your classmates are bullying their precious son." Zhan said firmly. "Now, tell me Bo-di. The truth."

Yibo's eyes glanced at Zhan's dark ones and in an instance his tears brimmed and he sobbed heartfully. "Ge..." He implored clinging into Zhan's neck, burying his tear-streaked cheek in Zhan's nape. "...they are bad. He Peng and his friends always take Bobo's snacks and lunches. They say I should share and I am greedy if I don't give it all to them." Zhan couldn't bear Yibo's tears. It was heart wrecking beyond words. His precious Didi should be loved and not be treated this way. His kind soul deserves much better than this.

Zhan wrapped his arm around his Didi, letting him sit on his lap while he stroke Yibo's back in circles. 'You're too good for this world, my Little Prince.' He kissed Yibo's forehead and lightly swiped the invaluable pearls that had fallen from Yibo's beautiful pale eyes. "Thank you for telling Gege, Bo-di. Now, let's get you something to eat first..." Zhan smiled encouragingly and pulled Yibo up on his feet.

Walking hand in hand towards the school's cafateria, Yibo still felt gloomy, his other secret has been found out by his Gege of all people! He was also a bit shy, the eyes of passerbys seemed to latch on them. They might think he is a cry baby or maybe they will like his Gege and snatch him away. The possibilities made Yibo clutch Zhan's arm tighter. He realised, he is indeed selfish and greedy.

Au contraire, Zhan who is usually timid and good natured, is burning with hatred and determination.  'Your Gege will iron out those *bastards. None should dare mess with my precious Prince again.'


Should I continue? 😉


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