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"Win, I am sorry. I was just too drunk and I don't know what came into my mind and I....." the next Day was total chaos. Win tried to woo Bright and explain his side but Bright chose to leave and go home instead of completing their 7 day vacation.

"Win.. please say something? Just.. punch me or I don't know. Curse at me?"

"Hays. It has been done, though. And it's not entirely your fault. I should have told him my identity before asking him to be my boyfriend," Win responded and he saw Day's eyes widen from shock.

"So.. you're the one who asked? I thought..

"Yeah. I was the one who actually initiated all the advances. Bright seemed reserved."

"And now it's all gone.. all because of me.... Win, I.. I was supposed to confess to you yesterday. I was supposed to pour out my emotions to you even though I know we've only met for such a short period of time and I just feel like I have to make a move as early as I can."

"Or else, somebody else's gonna make a move and you'll be left behind. You think?" Win cut him off and Day just nodded.

"I'm really really really sorry, Win. I..... Yes, I was hurt when I saw you and Bright but. but it isn't as painful as I made it sound."

"Day, have you ever thought if you really liked me or you just feel the adrenaline after your heartbreak with Kavin? I mean. we barely talk about us, Day. All we ever talked about is Kavin. And I wonder if you really like me or you only like the idea of me. I am not Kavin, Day. And most definitely, I am not his replacement."


"Bright, baby. It's been almost a week. Please talk to me? Please baby?" Win and the whole band just went home. They stayed in the resort just the way it was planned because Win wanted to give Bright the space that he needed. "Baby, please talk to me.." Win stopped knocking and just whispered in defeat. Bright, on the other side of the door, can clearly hear the plea of his lover. But Bright, though his heart screams for him to open his door, cannot seem to do so. His trauma seems to be stronger than his love.

He remembered it clearly how pretensions and betrayal broke his heart when he was 15.

"Hi Bright," a tall guy with beautiful eyes approached him. He looked like a mix blood of American, just like him.

"I'm Luke. I was told you're writing beautiful music. Would you like to join my band?"

Luke promised Bright that the band will flourish and will reach its highest peak of fame.

Luke promised Bright that the band will give him adult supervision since they're already in their 20s.

Luke promised Bright a bright future just like his name.

Luke even promised that once Bright reaches 18, they'll be together.

And in return, Bright promised he'll make tons of songs for them.

In the end, he's the only one who didn't break his promise.

Because aside from Luke not waiting for him till he's 18, the whole band whom he treated as family, stole his most precious composition notebook and had their contract signed in a company without his name. The whole band, whom he treated as family, betrayed him.

And Luke, whom he treated as his first love, broke his heart.

That was his turning point--- he built his walls so high that even Luminescence, who had been with him for a long time, failed to break the walls he built to protect himself. And then years after, he opened his heart once more- only to a person who will also break his trust.

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