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"Ahh... yea haha surprise! I have a twin..." Win nervously responded and Bright looked like he's thinking of something.

"Ahh!" Bright suddenly shouted in excitement. "I remember you have a brother that you support for his studies. I thought he was younger than you."

"For a few minutes!!!" Win said, sounding so defensive. It has been the source of his feud with Kavin ever since. The moment their parents met with an accident and they were left with nothing but each other, Kavin declared himself as the oldest and the breadwinner between the two. He said he will earn money so he can give Win the best life, including his education and expenses. Kavin received multiple part time jobs in the city that's why he accepted those and left Win in their province. Win very much disagreed with the idea of Kavin and him living apart since they only had each other, but Kavin had a very big dream for his brother.

"Between the two of us, you're studious. You're the one who always receives medals and trophies while I only receive failed marks. And you know how mama and papa are both happy receiving your awards on stage. If you don't want to do this for you, at least do this for them. Get that degree they've always dreamt for you."

He remembered Kavin telling him those words which made him agree to his twin's suggestion. From that moment, their physical distance was miles apart but every day, they made sure they'd call each other at least an hour or so. No one was required to talk-- they just wanted to feel each other's presence. Sometimes, Kavin is opening his camera while working or Win just opens his camera while studying. Their bond as a twin was unparalleled (and still is). Their hearts will always find each other.

"Hahaha do you hate being old that much? Fine

fine, just by minutes."

"Hey, where are you going?" Win asked. They are currently walking inside their home back to their own rooms and they walked past the stairs. Win thought Bright will be going straight to the second floor so he was kinda confused why he's turning right.

"Uh..." Bright scratched his nape. A habit he

usually does when he is shy as Win noticed. "I'm

dropping you off...... your room..."

"Ah.. Oh.." Win opened his mouth and closed and opened it once again like a fish gasping for water. He wanted to speak but he was speechless. How can he when the Bright Vachirawit will be dropping him off his room even though they were just literally in the same home.

"Okay...." Win finally said. His room was on the corner most part of the right wing and he could literally sprint and reach his room for just a few seconds. But those seconds turned into minutes when both deliberately walked more slowly as if they are trying to prolong this treasured moment that they have.

"So. Here's your room."

"Yeah... my room..."

Win can freely open his door and enter the room, Bright can freely walk away and go to his own room. But there's this unexplainable connection that both stopped them from doing.

"Ahh Bright.."


"I am kinda.. hungry. Ha ha I think I might eat instant noodles.... I was just thinking... wanna eat with me?" Bright smiled over an invitation. It is as if it's the confirmation that he needed-- maybe this unexplainable attraction isn't one sided at all.

The third law of motion, which is the law of attraction, states that in every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction—— and for Win who kinda accepted attraction toward Bright, maybe Bright gave an equal and mutual reaction with this attraction. He has to ask Kavim's blessing for this.


"That sounds so...." Tine said trying to find the right words to say but he cannot seem to find it. Bright and Win ended up eating their noodles until the sun was peeking through the clouds. They barely had sleep that night but they still pushed through with the idea to present the song to the entire band the next day.

".. sounds so 'not us' huh?" Day tried to stitch the words up and Tine almost agreed. But there is also something about the song that is so them even if the genre is entirely different than the previous songs.

"So you don't like it? Tine? Thyme? Day? Cause with all honesty, for my ears, this is the best song that Bright has ever produced. Maybe it's my acoustic roots," Sarawat pointed out.

"No, not that I don't like it but I am kinda afraid of the risk that would come after it. The new boy band will have the same genre as us and we are pushing this comeback so we could be at par from their debut song. The entire change is good if we are not competing against someone younger, but with this kind of hots that we have with the company, I am kinda skeptical about this one," Day responded.

"All I can say is, this will be a gamble. A 50-50 chance of maintaining our hype or losing our shine. But in that 50-50 gamble, I'd go with using this song for this comeback. At least for now, we're certain that we still have tons of fans who will be able to appreciate Bright's versatility as a songwriter. This song is... beautiful.. just sooo beautiful. And it deserves a lot of listeners. If that new band will finish our career, then so be it. At least once upon a time when we were on top, we let the entire universe know that we can have a 360 deg change of genre, but we can still pull it. To be honest, I have a strong belief that this song will be a hit. This song will make us a separate band that is incomparable to that new boy band. This song will give us a new color. A song that will give us an identity no one can take away from us."

And that was the most sensible argument they've heard that day, thus, coming up to the final decision that they are going to use this song for their risky comeback. It was a long journey of demo recording and constant polishing of the song. It took them a month before finally recording the approved version.

Currently, Win was summoned in the recording studio to sing the entire song in front of their executive producer and being the band with the strongest support system, they went along with him. Win started singing the first note and everyone was blown away. Surely, he had sung the song in front of every person in the band for a hundred times already but his attack right now is on a different level.

"Wow.." Day cannot help but gasp. Kavin had always been charming when singing, and yeah, he's been singing with more passion lately than charm that they got used to his new sound. But this version of him is on another level nobody had expected.

"Wow.." Day once said like his mouth cannot stop admiring the vocalist. He made everyone feel like he's in love and he's singing this song to send a message to someone.

The executive producer was beyond impressed. He was supposed to lose his interest with this old boy band but he realized this band is too talented to be ignored. He offered them another 3 years of contract, which by the way was vigorously reviewed by Win with the presence of an actual lawyer, thus, making the contract more beneficial for the band than the company.

"Hey," Day tried to get Kav's attention as he sat beside him. They're now on the balcony of their home.

"Hey." Win responded. Days had been hectic for Win and all he wanted was to remove the mask of Kavin and be Win just for today. But maybe, having a mask right now is mostly needed since Day chose to be with him right now. Of all people beside Thyme, Day knows Kavin the most so it is extra hard for Win to act like Kavin when Day is around.

"I just want to say... you sounded really really really amazing out there. Maybe that's the effect of love after all. Maybe that's his effect on you. Like after just a very few months of being together, you already changed a lot. You.... you already sounded so.. in love.. " Day blabbered with bitter taste lingering on his tongue.

"Kav, I'm sorry." With that, Win chose to stand up and leave Day without a word. He's too tired and the last thing he wants right now is to deal with a confrontation that does not concern him.

"Kav.. I'm sorry..." Day repeated while reaching for Win's wrist he thought was Kavin. "I am sorry for telling you that I am in love with you....... That I can love you better than Thyme.

But I'm never sorry for falling for you..."

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