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"Hi, I'm Tine, your brother's manager. Wow! When Kavin told me you look exactly the same, I never believed him. I mean, no malice, but your brother really looks good! Cannot believe another equally good looking lad is right here in front of me!"

"Hi Tine, I'm Win. Uhh Thanks? Nice to meet you by the way," Win responded shyly. He started to get too red as compliments were really never his thing.

"Hahahaha you're such a cutie innocent boy, Win. So so so far from the naughtY Vin. Anyway,

if Vin is Kavin, you're? Kawin?" Tine joked but only he finds it funny as Win just stared at him skeptically.

'It's Metawin."

"Hahahaha.... hi Metawin!" Tine awkwardly responded because Win didn't even spare a laugh with his Kawin joke. "Anyway, let's go."

"You really went for a 3 hour plane ride to get me?" Win asked while they're on the plane waiting for it to take off.

"Well, yeah. Kavin told me you're afraid of heights..."

"No.. not anymore...." Win whispered, trying to make Tine, or himself, believe he really isn't afraid even though he's been holding Tine's hand like his dear life depended on it.

"Is it your first time in the metro?" Tine asked, trying his luck to at least appease Win's fear a little.

"No, I don't like beef. But chicken is nice." Tine chuckled over the response.

"Winnie, you're such a cutie innocent boy!"


"So.. this is gonna be your home for the next few months!"

With mouth agape and eyes enlarged, Win cannot seem to grasp how huge this house/ building is. It definitely doesn't look like just an ordinary house. What the heck? To be able to afford this mansion, they have to be a big big band. And they seem to be one?


"Oh sorry Tine I.... I cannot fathom how rich Kavin may be... to be able to afford this... wow!"

"Hahaha actually this is provided by the company. That's why Kavin cannot breach the contract, a part of it is his payment for this huge ass home. Let me tour you, come on!"

"This is not a dorm or home, Tine. This looks like a museum!"

"Well, apparently, this is your brother's home. Let's gooooo! So this is just a 2-storey building. First floor will be the sala, the kitchen which is a little useless cause all the boys don't know how to cook. On this floor is your brother's room, here let me show you."

"Wow it's black and... clean..."

"Yeah right, Win. Kavin is the cleanest freak here in the house. Anyway, on this floor, your neighbors will be Day and Thyme. Have you memorized your bandmates' names and faces? They might be weirded out if you see them but won't recognize them.

"Yeah yeah. I've searched them all up the whole night. They had like a page where there were so many facts about them. I even know their allergies and favorite color haha," Win responded confidently. Tine chuckled over this.

"Haha you're cute. Don't worry, there will be no quizzes here," Tine jokes, which made Win chuckle as well. Tine seemed to be someone Win could befriend. It wasn't that long but Win is already comfortable with his brother's manager. It's a good start, at least he could have at least one person he could rely on. Tine continued talking and showing him the whole place.

"We also have a swimming pool over there. It's being cleaned everyday because of Kavin. Your twin is really a neat freak as you know. He was barely even there but he said he just doesn't want any insect to live there. Also, the second floor will be Bright's and Wat's rooms and your in-house studio where you can practice as a band or just record random stuff. Not so high end and high quality but enough for you to make some demo," Tine explained. Win cannot believe that his twin has his own studio at home while they have to go to another very far place with his churchmates just for them to practice and make new music.

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