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Chills ran down my spine when I imagined Klydeur using me and the Empress as chess pieces for him to become Emperor. Eldest seems to notice my worry, and so she pat my shoulder which made me snap out of those thoughts.

"Relax. I told you before, didn't I?"

I blinked, staring at her golden orbs, which didn't blind me but instead, comforted me for a bit.

"You have the ability and the chance to change. Whether you are Clydeur or Reillouisse, it really doesn't matter."

It's the same words like the other world Eldest told me back then. Different sentence structure yet same intent.

My silver orbs glistened, still staring at her golden orbs. "Your name doesn't define who you are." She continued. This feels the same to the vibes of having a talkshow and getting a handful advice.

"If you're Reillouisse before, then you're Clydeur now. Still the same person. The body doesn't matter, the soul does. Okay?"

Those were the words I didn't know I wanted to hear so badly. I smiled contentedly. All my insecurities about my identity finally vanished, but I'm not yet fully over it. Still, it helped out a lot.

I gave her a close-eyed smile. "Thank you."

When I opened my eyes, she remained looking at me as if she's awestruck with something, but soon she regained her composure. "Sure."

"I know I kept on asking about this, but still, what about the book?" Honestly speaking, I really wanted to read it. I don't think I can sleep easy at night if I recall the fact I had the truth in my palm but then it slip right away.

If anything, I could ask her to just tell me its contents. But I am far guilty that I feel like I'm burdening her with my clumsiness.

Eldest looked back to me with her eyes narrowed. "We can't do anything about it. Unless you take the risk of dissappearing from this world and let rumors circulate about you again, then you can go to the other world and retrieve the book." She nonchalantly replied.

I scratched the back of my head. "Well, I do want to, but maybe I can tell everyone in advance that I'm going somewhere important?"

"And why are you so eager to get it back?" She fired back, crossing her arms. "I can just get it back when I feet like it. So don't wor—"

"But what if the other Eldest actually have it?" The possibility of my question is what makes me nervous as well. If the other world deity finds out, what will she do?

Spread the truth in our world?

Abduct me?

Threaten me?

Gah! Even thinking about these negatives thoughts made me recoil from my seat. The other world deity must be kind enough to know privacy, right? Right?

It seems what I said made Eldest change her mind as she remained dead silent, making me silent as well. Blinking her eyes as if to stop the tears of stress from rolling down, she forced a smile with an irk mark popping on her forehead.

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