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"Phew..." I breathe out a sigh of relief as soon as I finished my bath. Honestly speaking, I feel more fresh than earlier when I looked like a haggard potato.

I wore a simple white shirt tucked inside a smooth black pants. Since I have nowhere to go at the moment, I really didn't need to make myself look fashionable.

Thank goodness I wasn't a girl. Even if you stay at home, they still go on and on for hours with their dress, hair, and jewelry preparation. That's how the society in this era is for you, I guess.

As I ruffled my hair dry with a neat towel, Jamie respectfully handled it as soon as I finished, before combing my hair.

I was just stiff, not knowing what to do next once I finished my routine. I mean, look at that! The moody deity is staring at my every move, as if a modern CCTV camera from the modern days!

My movement seems limited, as if telling me to either hurry up and talk or don't do anything stupid. I massaged my temples after combing my hair neat, but with my bangs still covering my forehead. I prefer this style better than waxing it upwards like Johnny Bravo.

"Jamie, Mia, Ria." The maids attentively whirled their heads towards me, as I gave them a hand signal. They understood, and soon left the room. Now it was just me and Eldest.

She didn't move an inch, still seated accross the couch she was once seated when I braided her hair before. Her legs and arms were crossed, as if to give a vibes of dominance or intimidation like any CEO or Principals would do.

I didn't bother doing the same. I humbly sat on the opposite couch, minding my facial expression. Who knows when this deity will stop favoring me and end up exploding at me?

"I'm not." Eldest bluntly spoke, making me blink my eyes. I think she managed to read my mind there, but there's nothing I could do. Even with enough efforts in putting up filters, it would be useless against a deity.

"Let me explain." Was my first words to initiate the conversation. "I did manage to get back here in my palace when we went back home. But the thing is, it felt as if I stepped into a different dimension when I entered. And it is."

She nods, surprisingly have no blunt or sarcastic remarks. My silver orbs almost trembled at the sight of the calm deity. This is so new, I can't believe my eyes.

"A-as I said, the dimension I got transported into, was like a parallel world to this world. But the timeline is different. The Clydeur there is dead, Klydeur from there looks like he's about to become a madman, while I also saw an adult version of yours."

I thought she'd stare at me blankly and let me continue, but I finally got a reaction. Her shoulder blades shook, not so relaxed like earlier. "Another me?"

I nodded, hesitantly. "Yes?"

"Another deity that looks like me?" She asked again, as if to make sure.


Sealing my lips awkwardly, I watched as Eldest stood from the couch. "You had your guardian that moment, didn't you? Summon him. I'll interrogate him."

"Er—sure?" Even if I feel like something problematic will happen later on, I still obliged. As I managed to summon my guardian, the wolf let out a howl, which got interrupted when Eldest smacked his face.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜' 𝚂𝚘𝚗Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz