chapter 2. First day at Hollywood Arts

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Chapter 2
Naruto woke up after a night of playing video games with Beck, Sinjin and Andre. They’d left around 9:30 as it was a school night. “Can't believe Sinjin beat us with Princess Peach, five times in a row.” He muttered as he showered and got dressed for school. He went out to the kitchen where spencer was packing lunches. “Breakfast is on the table. I packed you some ramen tacos for lunch.” Spencer said as he started cleaning up. “Take your car today, I've got that client coming to pick up the sculpture. So ill have to come back right after school. You should have fun with your friends.” Naruto nodded drooling a bit at the thought of Spencer’s ramen tacos. Spencer made a special type of taco just for Naruto. He was the creator of a delicious food called spaghetti tacos, so he had made a ramen taco. Unlike a spaghetti taco which was just spaghetti in a taco, the ramen taco had veggies in with the noodles and on top was a delicious strip of tonkatsu pork. Naruto took the bag with the tacos in it and was about to devour them when he was smacked on the head. “Thats for lunch, I know you love ramen but cool it.” Spencer chuckled and grabbed his knapsack. “Wish me luck bud, this will be my first day teaching.” he ruffled Naruto’s head and headed out the door. Naruto finished his breakfast and cleaned the house before heading out.

Once he got to school Naruto went and said Hey to his friends. He fist bumped Andre and Beck with a smile. Standing across the hallway from them next to a locker with multiple pairs of scissors stabbed into the door of the locker was a young woman with brown hair with pink and bleached blond streaks. She sipped her coffee as she watched Beck interact with a new face. She had been at the big showcase. She didn’t have to participate this year, but she was awed by his stage presence. He owned the stage like it was his alone, even though Andre and Beck were on the stage with him. ‘The words he sang sounded sincere. I wonder if he was just into the Rhythm of the music or just playing at it.’ she thought as she headed over to them. “Good morning Beck, Andre. Who's your friend?”  Beck sighed and was about to introduce her. “Oh, hey Jade this is...” then he noticed Naruto had disappeared. “Yeah, he left.” Sinjin said as he was standing in Naruto’s place. Jade’s eyebrow twitched and she pushed Sinjin out of the way. “I'm sure he’ll be in Sikowitz’s class so you'll meet him.” Jade sighed and asked with a frown. “Why'd he run off? Is he afraid of girls?” Andre shook his head as Beck said. “Nah, he aint like that. He does enjoy flashy entrances though.” That made Sinjin giggle weirdly. “Oh that’s why he asked me to replace that.” Sinjin walked off to class still giggling. “Wait Sinjin, what did he ask you to replace!!!???” The girl angrily shouted as she threw her coffee at him. The two boys shrugged as they headed off to class. “I think he ran off cause I told him to avoid Jade.” Beck said softly. “Now why would you tell him that? I thought you and Jade were done?” Andre said quizzically. “Few reasons. Yeah I figured she would be attracted to him, my jealousy wanted me to hope we could get back together. But Naruto is a great guy, also he might be afraid of girls like her. Remember the stories he told us about school? How he was picked on for being a halfy? How he fell for a girl when he was 8 and she hurt him and told him he was worthless? I noticed when we went to get pizza last night before our game session and movies. When he reached for the pizzas, he touched the cashier’s hand. He flinched a little bit. I don’t think he realized it but I noticed.” Beck sighed and played with his hair. They got to class and sat down near Sinjin, who was seated away from the window. Jade left to get something from her locker and Beck stood waiting, but still no sign of Naruto. Andre got a text and left the room, he returned with Cat, a girl with red hair and the new girl Tori. Tori bumped into beck knocking his coffee all over his shirt. She tried wiping it up but made it worse, then jade came in and got pissed some girl was rubbing her hands on Beck. She shouted at Tori but they got interrupted. Sikowitz appeared clutching a coconut in his hand. “Good morning class, I see little Tori Vega is here and I thank you for the twenty dollars this morning, but where is my blonde friend?” Tori whispered to Andre. “He’s the teacher? I thought he was a hobo.” Andre chuckled into his hand as Sikowitz said. “Tori did you ever think of coming in through the window?” The girl shook her head before they all heard a whoosh noise and what sounded like a Japanese drum. Then CRASH!! The window shattered and an orange bundle rolled to the floor. They stood and it was Naruto holding a small drum under his arm as he rapped on it. “I am the melody in your ear, I make women swoon and men shudder. I’m Naruto Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you.” Sinjin, Beck and Andre all clapped as Andre wolf whistled. Sikowitz laughed and clapped happily. “Oh Naruto marvelous!! You get bonus points for your entrance. See this is how you come into a room.” Naruto scratched the back of his head and handed a burlap sack of coconuts to Sikowitz. “Oh, here I got you this, there's a small hand drill and a metal reusable straw.” Sikowitz smiled while his students shook their heads. “These will give me great visions!” The teacher stated happily. Tori though was confused. A really cute boy smashed through the window on her first day then gets praised by their weirdo teacher. “I don’t get it. Why'd he do that?” to which Andre replied. “Sikowitz did ask him when they first met if he liked flashy entrances. Plus, I think this is sugar glass.” Andre picked up a piece of glass and bit into it. “Yup Sugar glass.” Sinjin was already replacing the sugar glass with the real window pane while Naruto cleaned up. The guy with the puppet tori met in the hallway opened up the trash can as the puppet said. “Man, that was pretty cool. How come you didn’t do that?” the boy responded. “And get myself cut up? No thanks.” The puppet scoffed and said. “No, it's because you're a weenie.” Naruto chuckled, he’d never seen a ventriloquist act as great as the amazing Jeff Dunham until now. “Wow you're almost as good as Jeff Dunham.” The boy gave him a weird look and said. “No clue what you’re talking about. I’m Robbie Shapiro and this is my best pal Rex Powers.” Rex grunted and replied. “Please don’t say best pal, Ya weenie.” Naruto just rolled his eyes as he finished cleaning up and sat down. “Hey I’m Tori. You were great in the showcase.” Tori said to Naruto who blushed and softly said. “Umm Naruto, thanks.” his head turning to stare at the floor. Sikowitz grinned and said. “Okay class time to start our lesson. Tori, Naruto do you know what improv is?” Naruto nodded giving the teacher a thumbs up as he looked down at floor after talking to the girl. Tori tilted her head and said. “Yes and no.”  “Which is it?” Sikowitz said. “No.” tori replied confused. "Improv means acting without a script, which means the actors have to make up their own actions and dialogue as the perform a scene of their own choosing, understand?" "Well, I-” "Good!" Sikowitz interrupted her. "Jade, you will captain the first group of the day, choose your actors." Jade gets out of her seat and walks on stage then looks around the room of who she’d like to work with." "Let's see I pick, Cat, Eli, Beck and Tori." Tori looks surprised by the mention of her name, but Andre motions for her to go up on stage." Naruto heard from Sinjin what happened before he came in the room and raised his eyebrow. From what Sinjin and Beck told him about Jade she seems to be a very vengeful type. The blond popped a couple of pieces of gum in his mouth as he watched how this was going to play out. Tori looked surprised by the mention of her name, but Andre motioned for her to go up on stage. "Now then if the actors are ready, let's give'em a place to start, any suggestions, Robbie?" Sikowitz asked the kid holding the puppet. "Home!" Robbie suggested. "Good idea, home." "Ooh, real creative." the puppet said sarcastically. "You be quiet!" Robbie says and without warning the puppet back slapped him. "Ow, that hurt!" "And now we need a situation!" Sikowitz continued with the lesson. "Big News!" said Andre. "Andre, nobody wants to see anything that involves big nudes." Sikowitz spoke, while Jade rolls her eyes at her teacher. "He wasn't talking about fat naked people, Hippy-sensei." Naruto told him. "News Sikowitz, big news." Andre repeated himself. "Oh, big news, well that's different." He said, writing the words on the board. "Say, why don't you go wait in the hall." Jade told Tori in a friendly tone. "Um, okay!" Tori replied leaving the room. Sikowitz walks off stage and stands over in the corner. "Alright, and action." Beck walked on stage. "Hey, baby, how was work today?" "Uh, I got fired!" Beck said with a sad groan. "Oh Again?" Eli started to cry with fake tears. "Our daddy's a loser!" Cat whined. "It's okay, I have great news that'll cheer up this whole family. I went to the animal shelter and got us...” Jade walked out to where Tori was standing and dragged her on stage. "A dog!" "Uh, yep, that me. I'm the new family dog, woof." she stated nervously. "Sikowitz, will you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk, and that they don't walk on two legs." Sikowitz didn't respond sense he was drinking milk out of a coconut." "Sikowitz!" she yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was sucking the milk out of this coconut. But it's true Tori, if you're gonna play a dog, be a dog." Jade had a smug look on her face as Tori got down on all fours and started barking." "So, I went to the animal shelter and got us a dog!" Jade said, back in character as Cat and Eli stood over Tori and petted her. "Oh, wow, what a cool dog!" said Eli, rubbing Tori's back "And she's so pretty too." Cat said with a smile. "Can the dog sleep in our room tonight?" Beck asked Jade trying to tease the gothic girl. "No, honey, it can't!" she replied through gritted teeth. Jade joined in Eli and Cat in stroking Tori's hair. "Uh-oh, looks like this dog has bugs in her fur." Jade said with an evil grin on her face. "EWWWWWW!" Cat and Eli said backing away from Tori. "Oh, it's okay kids. I read on the Internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs." Jade said, as she walked off stage to one of the other students and took his iced coffee then went back on stage. "Maybe you shouldn't... Beck started. "Jade!" Andre exclaimed trying to stop her. Naruto jumped up from his seat to stop the girl. Jade started pouring the coffee down onto Tori’s head soaking her hair and clothes. Before she could finish a hand gripped hers and lifted the rest of the drink up. Tori grabbed her bag and bolted from the room as Naruto handed the coffee back to the student and said. “That was a bitchy move.” He then headed out of the room with Andre behind him. He saw Tori trying to call her mom and snatched her phone tossing it to Andre who put it down his pants. “Okay I don’t want that back now.” Naruto grabbed her hand and brought her over to his locker where he had a towel and a spare shirt of his. He handed her the towel and said. “Go clean up and you can wear this til you get home.” The red-haired girl Andre told him was Cat came out. “Hey guys. Sikowitz says you need to come back to class.” Naruto nodded to Andre and said to the redhead. “Give her a minute, you’re Cat right?” he blushed a bit as her hair made him think of his mom. “Your hair is so pretty.” Cat looked at him and said. “What’s that supposed to mean!?” this made him jump as he ran back to the classroom. Robbie and Rex were coming to get them back to class as he saw Cat be her usual bipolar self. “Cat what did you do?” Rex responded with. “Probably got mad at him for being nice like she did to that poor girl scout.” Cat glared at the puppet and said. “You’re such a mean puppet.” she then ran back to class. “She called me a puppet.” Robbie sighed and nodded. “I hope that new guy Naruto is okay.” He said. “Yeah I like that guy.” Rex responded as Andre bit his lip. “Go ahead and change, I'll wait for ya.” Tori nodded and changed before heading home. After classes finished Naruto got Tori’s address from Andre and was about to leave when he got stopped by Sikowitz. “My young friend here’s a script for the bird scene I told you about. I know you want to be in Andre’s play.” As they spoke a locker slammed and Sikowitz grinned and scuttered off. Naruto turned to the sound and bit his lip. It was Jade the girl looked like she was pissed at him. “You got a problem with me blondie?” She growled as she stalked towards him. “No not really, um I gotta go.” Naruto said as he started heading for the door. Jade grabbed his arm and glared at him. “You’re not going anywhere, why’d you stop me from getting revenge?” Naruto was biting his lip and obviously not comfortable with her touching him. “Um could you umm ple please let me gooo?” he stuttered out as he tried to get out of her grip. She then felt him go limp before letting go and her expression softened. He had shifted to the floor his legs pulled up against him. “Hey hey its okay. I’m not mad at you.” She said not knowing what was wrong with the guy. Thankfully Spencer had come back from selling his sculpture as he’d forgotten a few things. He noticed his godson on the ground with a Gothic looking girl near him. She had a look of concern and frustration on her face. He rushed over and rubbed Naruto's back as he looked to Jade. “what happened? Did you touch him?” he asked not upset but concerned. She nodded and said. “Wait did I do something wrong? Is he going to be okay?” Spencer nodded and said. “Yeah he’ll be okay, he just had a panic attack. He hasn’t had one this bad since he met Sam for the first time. You see because of something bad that happened to him when he was younger Naruto has something called Gynophobia and Haphephobia. It’s a fear of women and a fear of being touched. For some reason it’s only girls around his age range.” Spencer finished and Jade sighed biting her lip. “I didn’t mean to give him a panic attack I was just upset with something that happened. For some reason he was trying to run off.” she said a bit agitated she had to explain to a teacher. Spencer chuckled and said. “Yeah he does that when he’s uncomfortable. I remember we were furniture shopping last week and I accidentally set a smart couch on fire when I plugged my phone into it. I tried to get his help and he’d disappeared.” Jade smiled at that before Naruto opened his eyes. “Oh hey Spence, did I pass out again?” he said as he looked up to see a worried Jade. “I’m so sorry I hurt you, I was just upset about what happened earlier today and I took it out on you. It wasn’t your fault and I'm sorry.” she said softly as Naruto smiled up at her. “It’s okay, maybe I shouldn’t have called you a bitch.” She smiled before frowning for a second and said. “It wasn’t my best decision.” Naruto stood up and said. “Wanna talk about it?” She rolled her eyes and said. “Yeah, but you’re buying me a coffee.” Naruto put a hand behind his head as he grabbed his bag. “only if you can tell me where to get good ramen around here.” he replied as they left the school and headed to one of the few cars in the parking lot aside from Spencer’s van. “Okay please tell me that isn’t baby!?” Jade said as she stared at the gorgeous black impala in front of her. “Nani?” Naruto said switching to Japanese as he wasn’t sure what she meant. “Your car is almost an exact replica of baby the car from supernatural!” Jade said as Naruto shrugged. “This was my mom’s car she had before I was born. She left it to me in her will.” He said softly which made Jade frown. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Naruto gave her a smile and said. “It’s not your fault. She's the reason I'm here. She passed away back in May. I finished school online before moving here where I lived in Seattle for the summer where my godfather lived. We moved here near the end of august.” Jade replied. “So was your mom in the military?” Naruto nodded and said. “Greatest navy seal to ever live. My father was an EMT and he died trying to save someone. We lived in Sacramento where my mom was semi-retired. She trained seals until my dad died and then we went back to Japan to bury my dad and stayed there.” he started the car and said. “Closest coffee shop?” as they pulled out of the school parking lot and Jade showed him a drive thru coffee place. They parked on the top of a parking garage. “So, spill what made you pour coffee over that new girl?” Jade ran her fingers through her hair and sipped her coffee as Naruto took a drink of his hot chocolate and said. “Well I assume Beck told you we used to date.” Naruto nodded. “Yeah, he told me to stay away from you too.” This made the girl roll her eyes as she said. “Well even though I'm over him it still hurt seeing him being touched by another girl. You were only trying to make things better and I acted like a bitch to you.” Naruto shrugged and finished his drink. “Eh, as long as you don’t do it again we’ll be cool.” he said with a grin as she poked his shoulder. “Jerk. Now are you gonna drive me home or can I drive?” Naruto laughed and said. “Yeah no. Only I drive my car. Now give me directions so we can get you home.” he dropped Jade off at home and for some reason he thought he saw her swaying her hips at him. He shrugged and drove off to Tori’s house. He knocked on the door and a man answered who he assumed was Tori’s dad. “Can I help you?” he said to which Naruto replied. “Hi sir, I'm Naruto I go to school with your daughter Tori. Is she home?” Tori’s dad nodded and said. “She’s upstairs, upset about something that happened at school. You didn’t do anything to my little girl did you?” he said the last part threateningly. “No, I wanted to make sure she was okay and I kinda want my shirt back.” Naruto said to which her dad said. “Good answer. Oh and just so you know I'm a cop.” Naruto chuckled and said. “Yeah and my mom was a navy seal. You both have cool jobs.” Tori’s dad laughed and shouted as he went to the garage. “Tori friend in the living room!” Tori bounded down the stairs still wearing Naruto’s shirt a skirt and a pair of leggings. “I see you like my shirt.” he said as Tori saw Naruto standing in his living room. “How did you find out where I live?” She asked hugging the shirt to her chest. “Andre gave it to me. I wanted to check on you to see how you’re doing. Don't let one little issue keep you from achieving an amazing dream.” Naruto said as he sat down on her couch and smacked the seat next to her. She sat down and they talked for a while until her mom came into the house with groceries and takeout. “I should get home. Spencer is probably done making dinner.” He said goodbye to Tori and headed home and had dinner with Spencer. He finished his homework before a chirping was heard from his computer. He sat at his desk and smiled as he hit the talk button. “Hey it’s good to hear from you.” he said in japanese as the person on the screen made a choking noise and said in japanese. “Oh Kami Naruto-kun look at you with your piercings and the hair. If your grandmother saw you right now she’d be livid.” Naruto rolled his eyes and replied. “Well seeing as she was upset that my mother left all of hers and my dad’s money to me in a trust that Spencer is in charge of. Now Kakashi please tell me why you’re calling? I do have school tomorrow.” Kakashi smiled under his mask and said. “Oh, I wanted to tell you that I sent your other guitars and violin to your new address in Los Angeles. Oh and are you going to keep up your training?” Naruto smirked and said happily. “Thanks I appreciate it. I wanted to use my Gibson for the concert, but had to settle for my Stratocaster, and yeah of course i am.” Kakashi chuckled and said. “Well from the video Spencer sent me you did pretty well for yourself. Now I’m going drinking with Jiraiya and your cousin Asuma.” Naruto rolled his eyes and said. “Alright goodnight.” he hung up the call and said to Spencer. “Hey Spence, Kakashi said Hi.” Spencer shouted back. “Text him I said hi back. You want some pudding before bed?” Naruto chuckled and said. “Is it chocolate?” “Yes” Spencer said as Naruto stood up and ran downstairs.

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