Charge, Like a bull!

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GOOOO!!!!!! Stampy yelled. We charged at hit the target and herobrine. Sure enough they ran. "We'll be back!!!!!" They shouted. Alright we did it guys!!! Who wants to come to my lovely world?? Everyone shouted yeah except for lee.
A/N here is where it gets a little sad. Sorry if it's not a very long chapter. I have been working from what comes to mind.
Stampy started to lead everyone outside when he remembered Lee somewhat called this place.. home. "Lee, you can stay with me in my bedroom, I have a spot for you". I said. "Thank you very much stampy". Lee wrapped his arms around my back and started to cry because he never had any real friends. "Lee, I will be your friend, forever!". He smiled and everyone walked back to stampy's lovely world.

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