Damp dungeon

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Stampy's POV
I was still in a sack when we arrived. I thought to myself *where am i? What is this place?*. I could see other people who were captured and had their spawn point set to these dungeons. They couldn't have any fun. Then I heard 2 men talking. They headed towards me so I acted like I was still blacked out. I was tossed into a small cell with a bear. He had diamond boots and leggings. Inside were bunk beds, 2 trays for food, a log for sitting and a small fire. "I-im Stampy,". Stampy muttered to the bear. "I'm Lee" he said. "it's not very nice in here but for me I actually kinda like it a bit, I mean sure it's not much but hey better then nothing". Stampy's thoughts: *I like this Lee guy, maybe we can escape? I wonder how long he has been here for*. Stampy had questions but only Lee had the answers

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