From her closeness, she could see that Yuri's been crying hard.

She softly smiled, "want to tell me what happened? If you're okay with telling me."

She sat the girl down on her bed, leaving her duffel bag near the door as the hamster sighed, "unnie... There's a reason why I don't want to talk about, let alone use, my ability."

Yena silently nodded, giving Yuri her full attention.

"When I was in my first year... Last year, during choir I accidentally broke the windows of our classroom because I sang too high..."

Yuri twiddled her fingers, staring down at the carpet as she muttered softly, "that's when I found out I was different from the others."

She looked away, "for the whole school year after that, almost everyone made fun of me. Shrieker, Window-Breaker, Ear-Piercer, mutant."

Yuri scoffed, "honestly, what kind of stupid names are those."

Even with the girl's sudden strong but annoyed tone, Yena saw through her facade, seeing that every name she spoke made her break a little bit more. So she gently rested her hand on Yuri's back, rubbing it in slow circles.

"Chaewon-unnie even lost a lot of her friends because of me, because she chose to stay by me when everyone else left..."

Yuri covered her face with her hands, sighing exhaustedly, "I felt like I was drowning... And my parents didn't really do anything except find ENOZI for the both of us."

She weakly chuckled, "you can say I don't have the best relationship with my parents either..."


"But I was so happy when I came here and met all of you guys. For the first time since that happened, I felt so loved, so... wanted..."

Seeing that Yuri grew quiet, Yena scooted closer and wrapped her arm around her shoulders again, squeezing her tightly.

Yuri looked up from her hands as Yena smiled at her, "welcome home, Yuri-yah."

The hamster grinned, filling the duck with newfound joy and a hint of love as she hugged the older girl.

"Thank you Yena-unnie... Sorry I just dropped this all on you."

Yena chuckled, hugging Yuri back as she rubbed her brown hair, "of course... And it's fine, I'll always be there for you, okay?"

Yuri bobbed her head up and down as they pulled away, which Yena thought was adorable, heart-fluttering, even.

"But you should text your sister, she's probably wondering if you got here safely."

Yuri nodded, fishing out her phone from one of her pockets, "yeah... I need to apologize to her too."

Yena tilted her head and the younger girl awkwardly chuckled, "I might have... yelled at her before I left..."

Yena smiled, nodding in understanding, "do what you have to do."

The hamster was startled from how quickly her sister answered, considering that usually, it'd take a minimum of five minutes for Chaewon to answer her

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The hamster was startled from how quickly her sister answered, considering that usually, it'd take a minimum of five minutes for Chaewon to answer her.

The hamster was startled from how quickly her sister answered, considering that usually, it'd take a minimum of five minutes for Chaewon to answer her

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Yuri put her phone away, "done."

"Chaewon's fine?"

The younger girl nodded, "yup, she's fine."

Yena tapped her chin, "none of our other friends stayed... Well, except for Kkura-unnie. Do you want to just stay here until Minju and Chaewon come back?"

"Is that okay with you?"

Yenna nodded with a smile, "of course, I wouldn't want you to be lonely."

Yuri giggled, "and you don't want to be lonely too?"

"Okay- to be honest- I did go over to Kkura-unnie's room yesterday because I was so bored by myself. So yes, I don't want to be lonely either. But it's a win-win either way is it not?"

Yuri laughed, making the duck's heart flutter from the beautiful sound, "yeah it is... Is Kkura-unnie doing okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

The hamster snuggled herself onto Yena, "thank you again for being so nice to me."

The older girl smiled, rubbing Yuri's head, "of course, anything for you."


"Anything for you and our uh- other friends."

Yena smiled, hoping her embarrassment didn't show on her face as Yuri stared at her cluelessly.


"Want to watch a movie?"

Yena quickly changed the subject, mentally hitting herself for being so stupid with her words.

"What movie?"

Yena brought her computer over, the two girls leaning against the wall on Yena's bed as she scrolled through a website.

"It's about these twelve girls who have superpowers, kinda like us! And they like- save the world while they're in school."

Yuri chuckled, "that sounds exactly like us... Except for the 'saving the world' part."

Yena shrugged, "you never know, we might be superheros."

Yuri scoffed, playfully pushing Yena's shoulder, "yeah right. Us? Superheros? Pshh."

Yena rolled her eyes, both of the girls giggling as they cuddled closer together, sharing the blanket between them as they began the movie.

The two hearts beat as one, their time together increasing an already blooming feeling between the two...

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