CHAPTER 1(the trouble)

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Hi guys thank you so much for reading this book and I want you to do something if you can I want you to share the story so I can have more ideas and I can also have more chapters please share this book and you can request anything you like in the conversation and if you want a new book I can make it for you but if you should have spoke first I also wanted that only 10 more years I want like 10 readers all right 10 readers so if that's not much enjoy the story

Third person POV
"wally!,are you alright?Megan ask worry cover her words, after the smoke clear there no wally more like Wally's, but something is different about these Wally's they're supposed to be five of them but there's seven of them"it seems like these are Wally's emotion clones they're different they're supposed to be five of them but there's seven?"Robin ask in confusion"should we contact the Justice League, I think they can solve this"kaldur ask still is shock
"I can I guess,batman we have trouble-" before Robin can finish his sentence the one that he thinks angry just woke up"the FUNK are we!"anger said filled with anger " you guys were separated because of crystal we are going to get you back so you can get our old Wally" Artemis said in in the shock because no one has seen Wally so angry
some information from the Wally emotionclones

Pink means love
Red means anger
Black means hate
White is memory
Yellow means happy
Brown mean intelligence
Grey means fear


"Sowhathappenwhyisthere7wally!?!?!?!?!!!"The flash ask in confusion"so there's seven crystals that we have to collect and we have to touch them so they could go back to the crystal"Batman ask,"yeah trust me that's how you do it but the hardest part is we got the shard already,there I think the crystal shards are actually in the places where the emotions are like happy maybe he has a happy place or something maybe like that?"robin explain"so we got separated from the crystal you really think that I was asleep of course not but,sorry "butt"in my name is intelligence so are you see my part of my self"intelligence said"so you are one of the more aware ones so do you mind explain what they all mea-"Batman's word we're cut off because of a sudden scream and if you hear the scream closely,cuz Wonder woman and maybe one of the emotion is mad

Who was the emotion clones that went insane can you put it in the comments cuz I don't know which motion should I put  I put hate in it or should I put anger.

Thank you for reading my story if there's any grammar that's wrong you can just tell me no comments or got my conversations thank you very much okay I just published that

Wally's emotionclonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora