The Morning After

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"You always have to be there for him- he needs you" Francesca, the twins mother said to Fast

"We are the same age, how am I suppose to take care of him" Fast had complained to his mother once again about how Point was disturbing him

"I know it is a lot to ask, but I won't always be here, and you will have to look out for each other"

"Your mom is right, you know" Dia walked closer to them in the garden after he saw them

"Mr. Dia, I am sorry to not be working right now, I will be very soon"

"Francesca, you take your time teaching the kids, so they will be knowledgeable in the future" Dia stared at how Fast was feeling sad with his head down

"I know you and Point are totally different, but everything he does is to get your attention because he loves spending time with you" Dia said

"But don't I have the right to object to play with him sometimes" Fast asked

"You do, and if he still bothers you when you reject, then I will talk to him"

"In fact, I will go talk to him rig-" Francesca started coughing non stop in the middle of her conversation

"Mom, mom, are you okay" Fast watched his mother clutch her chest in pain

"Go get Mark, and tell him to bring me my phone" Dia said to Fast

Fast stood up to go get Mark, but he stood there looking at his mother

"Hurry" Dia said


"Fast, wake up, you can't be late for the start of school"

Team was knocking on Fast's door after he realized that Fast was still sleeping even though he is always the first to wake up

Fast woke up from his sleep and saw that he was dreaming about his old memories

He heard Team knock on his door again, but he didn't have to strength to answer. He sat on the bed for a few minutes after Team was gone

"Fucking hell" Fast heart was beating too fast

(Pun intended 🤣)

"Is he not awake yet" James asked

"I already knocked so much, I think even Korea heard me" Team said

Team woke up early to make the twins their lunch, and he saw James was already awake, so they decided to make it together

Though they would argue that they didn't need their Father/uncle making them their lunch since they were too old for that, Team didn't care

"Remember, Point don't eat bacon with his sandwich"

"Still?" James asked

"He still refuses to eat pork after watching the little piglets cry in the video Henri showed him" Team found the incident funny, but Point was traumatized for life

"After yesterday, he is probably too bumped to even eat lunch" James said as he packed all of Point food into the lunch bag

"Good morning, fam" Point came downstairs with the biggest energy that he could brew up

He walked down the stairs with the biggest smile on his face

"Or maybe I was wrong" James said

"Good morning" Team hugged Point with a little worry on his face, but he choose to ignore it and enjoy this moment

"You're a real chipper this morning"

"Ready for school" James asked

"Am I ready" Point asked him

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