Talk With Author - Thanks! 𐂂

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Hello my kitten, how's this story? rate it la sian author tulis penat penat...

eheehe okay first of all, i want to thank for those yang likes and subscribe my story. This is my 100% idea and please dont plagiarism! i'll ask isaac to sue you, isaac single jadi author ambil la tak salah en?

korang nak ke? tak payah la ( pss kita kongsi eh?)

Kitten, i want to say thankyou for support me from beginning sampai finale! I never thought ada orang yang baca story ni and if ada orang baca i want to say thankyou la.

hehe actually this is draft and i don't know who will tengok but if you saw this, please say something? em if can't takpela author unpublishe- ehehe ugut ah. author actually teringin nak bukukan buku but sedar diri, penulisan pun kurang boek lepastu banyak merapu en?

Nak bukukan buku but tak reti, ibarat mati segan hidup tak mahu.

by the way i want to publish another book but tengok dulu la kalau ramai nak i buat and you guys boleh tanya apa yang you guys nak alright kitten? *wink*

Bye bye my kitten, kita jumpa lagi if ada rezeki !

i love you all, my naughty reader


sincerely, y_yl.

start : 13April2022
End :  16April2022

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