Prologue | A New Beginning

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I still can't believe I got the job

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I still can't believe I got the job. When I first applied, it seemed like a stupid idea because how could I possibly get a job in another country I knew nothing about? And to be honest, that thought scared the shit out of me. I haven't left America in years. My family came from Australia when I was four years old. We moved to America then my parents decided to get a divorce. Dad moved back to Australia with my sister, and I remained here in the United States with my mother, who has always been my moral support in everything I've done. Except for one thing.

About four years ago, I started exchanging emails with someone who accidentally sent me an email

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About four years ago, I started exchanging emails with someone who accidentally sent me an email. Hero seemed funny in those emails, and we kept talking. Slowly, those emails turned into texts, and after a year, the texts turned into phone calls. The only thing that I didn't know was what he looked like. I knew "everything" about him, as he claimed. But I felt like I didn't know anything at all. My entire family said I was getting catfished and should stop texting this random person who "lives in England". We texted daily even if the timezone was very different since it was like a 10-hour gap. When He was coming home from work, I was leaving for work. Yet even with the idea of being catfished, I didn't want to burst the little bubble I was in. I was always happy. I was smiling, laughing at stupid jokes, having every day, if possible, a movie night together over zoom. He even accepted my little obsession with Harry Potter. He got a little more excited about it since he said he never read the books but only saw the movies and claimed to be a proud Ravenclaw, even though I knew he was a Slytherin by heart.

Long story short, I fell for him. And I fell very hard for him. I fell in love with a faceless person. With a deep, accented male voice, I had never seen a glimpse of him at all. The only thing I noticed was his cat that he claimed he got after his childhood dog died and that now, with work and everything, he doesn't have the time to take care of a dog as he used to and that a cat takes care of itself on its own. Everything went downhill from there. When a co-worker asked me out on a date, and I accepted, he got so mad and had a whole fight over the phone, and everything ended with a "Fuck you." And blocked me.

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