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She felt an overwhelmingly feeling, she's been training for years through SM but yet she just only realised this feeling and it burned, she couldn't feel her limbs and she ached all the time "come on Jia, you can do this" she mumbled to herself but she couldn't, her little body needed a break and she couldn't ignore the feeling any longer. The young girl Jia as quick as she could moved her legs towards the sm CEO office and she knocked on the door.

She heard a soft voice but yet demanding on the other side "come in" it spoke. Her hands shakily opened the door a walked in the little girl look tired and nervous "speak" Lee Soomin the sm CEO spoke to her from across the desk questionably. It took a lot of courage but she answered "sir my body can't handle it, I hurt everywhere, all I ask is for a break" she rushed it but Lee Soomin still caught on. He was quite for a while "so now you want a break, you're my best trainee and you want a break, are you sure your ready I mean JYP already turned you down, you got lucky to have me so don't be stupid" was the harsh reply she had gotten from the man bitterly she mumbled "I'm British not stupid" loud enough to be heard but not to loud that others outside would hear. "I mean no offense sir but I'm still young, give me time" she offered back but it was no use he made up his mind "you want a break how about this just don't come back hmmm, I can't help you if your body can't handle it" she looked shocked but heartbroken, she worked her childhood for this and this is what she got it in return, would anyone else take her, would she even be ready. It all ran through her head but she deserved better she added on quickly in her mind "fine but I promise you this sir, you'll regret you decision I don't care if it takes me years but I'll make something of myself, that you will beg for back" she didn't even give him time to process what she said when Jia stormed out taking her belongings with her.

She kept to her promise mind you after a long break she came back stronger then ever, she signed a new contract she became a stronger version of herself mentally and physically her sister helped bring her up and the contract well let's just say big hit had been dying to get there hands on her since SM rookies.

This is her story to stardom, her story to Enhypen and beyond that.

Mixed up ~ iland / Enhypen added memberKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat