Chapter 1

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Azaleas pov

I had been really busy this week as the GREEAT BTS will be visiting soon and our group is in charge. I cannot explain how happy I am! Finally I can meet my V! MY KIM TAEHYUNG! I've literally been flying. All these seem like dream. I've pinched myself so many times that already got few marks. But it's okay. All I'm thinking about right now is V. I left my residency a year ago all of a sudden and came here away from everything to find myself. Till now I regreted my decision sometimes but now all these make it worth it. Meeting V is the best thing that can ever happen!

"Ms. Azalea Mun"

I got out of my fantasy and turned to June.

"Ahem ahem" she fake coughed. "You seem too happy! May I know the reason? Oh! Lemme guess. Is it because of V?"

"June! Stop pulling my legs!"

"Hey girl! Don't forget. Here I'm your boss. Once we leave this premises you can do whatever you want." she teased.

I stood straight showing her some fake respect. "sure ma'am. I'll keep that in mind." and then we both laughed out loud.

"girl! Just look at you! You're glowing!"

"obviously I should!"

"gosh! I can't even imagine what will happen when you meet V." she exclaimed.

"come on. Nothing will happen. Do you think I'm gonna show this crazy fandom to him? No chance!"

"sorry, what! You're kidding."

"nope! Not at all. I'm serious. Look. I love him the most no doubt. But he doesn't even know that I exist! He has billions of fan like me. So it doesn't make any difference to him. I mean I would love to grab his hand making him sit in front of me and look at him for hours till my hearts content. But such things aren't possible right? So I'll be professional. Even if I tell every other members that I'm a huge fan, would never tell him! Got it!"

" no! Got nothing! I mean I completely understand what you're saying but you madly love him! And now all you say is this? "

"oh ho! chill girl. No need to worry! Let's see what happens. Okay?"

" okay?! "


Vs pov

We were heading out the airport. We'll staying here in USA for around two months. We have few conserts but mainly here for the tv reality show where we'll be isolated in an island for some games and also we'll be having a weeks holiday by ourselves before we leave.
This was a long waited trip, at least for me. I literally wanted to come here as I wanted some time away from the crowd. But obviously it's not easy for me to have my time uninterrupted. To be honest, it's a blessing. I love what I do, I love my fans a lot but these days I feel like something is missing. My inner soul has become greedy recently. He wants something more than the fame. Something more personal. I was confused for quite a while that what I might be missing when I have everything a man can dream for. I kept asking myself about what it could be! But the answer left me flabbergasted.... I wanted to love and to be loved by my one and only. A different type of love.... Some special kind of love..... The type all human desire for! I've received a lots of love from my fans but this time it was something to nourish my soul..... I wanted to have someone who'll be by my side always. In the morning when I wake up I wanted my day to be started with that soothing smile of my love. At the end of the day when I come back I wanted someone to wait for me, ask me about my and relieve all my exhaustion with the warm embrace of her. I sometimes think if I'm being selfish? Or is it too much too ask? But the answer has always been the same...... I need this to live the rest of my life. Even if I'm selfish I need her fingers entangled with mine. After having all the fame and wealth I forgot to feed my soul to the limit that it is barely surviving. Everyone can see the fun loving V with wide charismatic smile but no one knows what bothers Kim Taehyung ... It's not like I haven't tried to date. I attempted few times secretly but... couldn't find the one I've been looking for ......

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