Chapter 9

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The lunch bell rang through the castle bringing relieved groans from students. Allium was slightly disappointed since she enjoyed charms. Though as Blaise dragged her with him she was actually looking forward to going to the great hall.

Draco was following behind grumbling at Blaise's actions embarrassing. Crabbe and Goyle followed behind Draco talking about what would be served for lunch. Pansy was walking beside Draco silently giggling at the look on Alliums face as she was dragged.

Allium finally had people to go to the hall with, meal times at the burrow were filled with people and now she was starting to get more people at hogwarts.

Once the small group finally reached the Slytherin table was when Blaise freed Allium from his grasp.

"Blaise you almost tore my arm out of the socket, what's with the excitement" Allium said as she sat down. Blaise sat next to her while Draco and pansy sat across from them. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting slightly off to the side from the four, talking about sparkles or something.

"I'm staaaaaaarving, classes were so long plus it annoys you when you're dragged" Blaise said. The other three chuckled at him.

Food had already been set up before they arrived se they each dug in. Allium had to make Blaise slow down so he wouldn't die, which made Draco chuckle chuckle with toast in his mouth making him choke.

Allium and Blaise burst out in gut hurting laughter while pansy fretted over Draco. Crabbe and Goyle were snickering which caused Draco to look even more miserable when he got the ability to breath again.

After everyone recovered each person went back to eating. Allium couldn't help smiling maybe Hogwarts wouldn't be so bad.

"Draco let me feed you it would be sooo romantic" Pansy drawled leaning into his shoulder.

"That's an amazing idea we should all do it" Allium said acting as if Pansy had said the smartest thing ever.

Blaise's eyes light up while Draco's looked horrified. Draco was then pestered with forks from Allium and Blaise.

A couple minutes later Draco's sneer was stronger than ever as he scrubbed beans from his face with a napkin.

"Now that you gollywaddles are done being buffoons we should head outside" Draco said throwing the poor napkin harshly at the table. Blaise and Allium had finished eating so they looked at each and dramatically nodded before standing up abruptly.

The two quickly skipped over to the other side of the table. Once they reached Pansy and Draco they grabbed the other by the elbows and started to drag them.

Both Allium and Blaise received multiple fatal wounds from Pansy and Draco and they would of described it. But if you asked Pansy or draco they would say that getting elbowed isn't fatal.

After the Great War the four left the hall with Crabbe and Goyle following.

After far too much walking as Draco would of put it they reached the grounds

No one could decide on where to settle so they simply walked till they found a place everyone agreed on.

Though they didn't get far when Draco spotted his true love. Allium could tell everything was gonna go wrong when Harry was added.

There was a younger boy near Harry as well as Hermione and her clone.

It was only when they got closer was when they found out why the boy was there. They could hear him "fangirling" over Harry.

"You do know you can just leave him alone once right?"  Allium whispered to Draco but all he did was roll his eyes and open his big mouth.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" Draco's voice echoed around the courtyard. As Alliums hand hit her face in exasperation they had stopped right behind Colin. 

"Everyone line up!" Malfoy roared to the crowd. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!"

Though Allium found it funny she would prefer Harry not disliking her for being in Draco's vicinity.

"No, I'm not," said Harry angrily, his fists clenching. "Shut up, Malfoy."
"You're just jealous," piped up Colin, whose entire body was about as thick as Crabbe's neck.

Colin almost reminded Allium of Neville except with more backbone.

"Jealous?" said Malfoy, who didn't need to shout anymore: half the courtyard was listening in. "Of what? I don't want a foul scar right across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you that special, myself."

Crabbe and Goyle were sniggering stupidly behind Allium. She couldn't help but wish his insults were a slight bit more creative.

She looked around to see if Blaise was laughing but found him and Pansy some ways away with innocent smiles looking at her. Blaise mouthed suffer to her when she scrunched her nose.

Allium decided that she should probably be paying attention so that no one would die.

"Eat slugs, Malfoy," said Ron angrily. Crabbe stopped laughing and started rubbing his knuckles in a menacing way.

"Be careful, Weasley," sneered Malfoy. "You don't want to start any trouble or your Mommy'll have to come and take you away from school." He put on a shrill, piercing voice. "'If you put another toe out of line'—"

A knot of Slytherin fifth-years nearby laughed loudly at this. Allium had to resist laughing at Draco's impression of her mother.

"Weasley would like a signed photo, Potter," smirked Malfoy. "It'd be worth more than his family's whole house —"

Ouch Allium thought making a mental note to kick Draco in the shin later.

Ron whipped out his Spellotaped wand, but Hermione shut Voyages with Vampires with a snap and whispered, "Look out!"

"What's all this, what's all this?" Gilderoy Lockhart was striding toward them, his turquoise robes swirling behind him. "Who's giving out signed photos?"

Harry started to speak but he was cut short as Lockhart flung an arm around his shoulders and thundered jovially, "Shouldn't have asked! We meet again, Harry!"

As Harry was pinned to Lockhart's side, burning with humiliation, Allium pulled Draco back into the crowd.

Once they got far enough Draco started laughing as loud as he possibly could the only thing louder was the ringing of the bell signaling the start of afternoon classes.

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