Chapter 2: A Murderous Skeleton.

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TW: Mentions of swearing, weapons, and blood.

Sorry for the wait, I decided to write above 2000 words for this chapter because of that. Please enjoy! Or not, whatever suits you!
‹·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·.✦.·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·› { 1st Person POV }
{ Y/N }

I made my way past a few puzzles that were either run down or just didn't work, snow crunched under my shoes as I continued to walk forward. Soon, a blank sign and a town was in front of me. I stopped and looked at the sign for a moment before walking forward again.

' I wonder where everyone is.. '

I decided to stop again to look at a shop, thinking for a moment before walking in.

I closed the shops door behind me before I walked forwards and looked around, noticing items were carelessly thrown around and some were even broken. I frowned a bit and gently grabbed one of the items that was on the ground, it was was an orange bandana.

' Why does it have abs....??? '

I frowned a little and decided to drop it, soon looking at a single glove that was near the door I walked through.

I walked over to it and grabbed it, soon deciding to put it onto my hand. I hummed and started to look around for the other glove that was missing.

I wasn't able to find it anywhere in the shop. I sighed and gently grabbed my wrist before carefully pulling it over my head, stretching.

I winced and instantly stopped after my bandaged cut started to hurt more, frowning.

I looked at the bandages and noticed it was bleeding again. I sighed and walked out of the shop after I didn't find anything else that would be if use.

' I hope the shopkeeper won't be mad that I took the glove. '

I gripped my hand around the bandaged wound and tried to stop the bleeding, frowning a little as I walked.
{ 1st Person POV }
{ Killer!Sans }

' I only looked away for one second! Where did that human even go?! Ugh, I have no time for this. '

"Did you really lose the human, Sans?" A voice echoed behind me. I groan and look at the small floating ghost behind me. "I only looked away for a second!" I whisper yelled at them, a small grin imprinted on my face.

"Like hell you did! It's been ten minutes and I watched the human walk away!" The ghost yelled, frowning and putting their hands on their waist. "Why didn't you tell me than?!" I said, as my hands turned into fists.

"Because you should've kept an eye on them!" The ghost said, crossing their arms and looking away from me. I sigh. "I'm gonna go look for them.. DON'T follow me, Chara." I said, glaring at Chara before walking away.

I could hear them groan and poof away. I grinned more before starting to run to Snowdin, knowing they would probably be there by now.

I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and gripped it tightly into my hand, sinisterly grinning as I ran. I eventually made it to Snowdin, walking through the town.

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