Four [Second Chance at First Line]

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The youngest Winchester was late to school. When she woke up and saw the clock she just groaned and turned to the other side. It was almost noon so she decided it wasn't worth it getting up for just two more classes.

"Let's hope no one tells Dean," she mumbled into her pillow. Y/N stayed in her bed the whole day until she heard someone knock on her window. Wait, the window? She quickly got up and turned to look through the curtains. She rushed to the window when she noticed the buzz cut.

"Stiles what the hell, the doors are downstairs for a reason!" She helped him in.

"I'm sorry, I would go in through the door but Allison's mom is scary and I don't think I would be able to say one normal sentence if she asked me what I want-" he started explaining.

"Oh so you climb up on a roof and knock on my window, yeah, yeah makes sense," Y/N rolled her eyes, sitting on her bed.

"Shush. Nice pajamas by the way," Stiles laughed and sat down on her desk chair. Y/N looked down to see her faded Spider-Man t-shirt and shorts.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" She asked, pulling the blanket over her feet because she was cold.

"Well, you weren't at school so I got worried, especially after Scott told me Allison's dad shot him with a crossbow. Oh, I also brought you homework." He put some papers on her desk and turned back to look at her.

"I'm sorry, Allison's dad did what now- I- What? Like, I knew they went out, yeah but I didn't know they knew- Oh my god of course they know, they're like the best hunter family-" Y/N panicked. Stiles got up and walked over to sit next to her.

"Hey, hey calm down," he placed his hand on her back.

"Is Scott okay? Did he recognize him?" She turned to look at Stiles, almost bumping his chin with her nose.

"Oh hello there," she mumbled making a face at how close they were to each other. Stiles laughed, watching her eyes watch his chin as if it was going to attack her. He pulled away.

"Scott's okay. Nope, he didn't. Also, were you planning to tell me Argents were hunters, or was I supposed to find out from Scott after they shot him-" Y/n slapped his chest.

"I forgot, okay... To be fair I forgot about like half the stuff I wanted to tell you because of the whole 'Derek took Allison home' panic and then I was getting to know Allison and.. you know."

"Yeah, I get that. Anyway, Scott tried to kill me today. I'm trying to stop him from playing the game on Saturday." Stiles said. Y/N gasped.
"What happened? It was the game, right? Did he get all... wolfy?" She cringed at how she called it. Stiles smiled.

"Yeah, he did. It is the game, it gets his pulse rising. But he's too stubborn to listen to me and not play." He sighed. Y/N just stared at her hands.

"Uh, would you maybe want to come to my house to research some more?" Stiles asked, getting up from Y/N's bed.

"Now?" She looked at him. He just nodded.

"Yeah, sure. I'm just gonna put some clothes on." She smiled. Y/N got up, threw some stuff in her backpack, and took some clothes from her dresser. Then she closed herself in the bathroom and got dressed.


"So you like shoot stuff with a real gun?" Stiles asked Y/N while looking at the plastic toy gun he was holding in his hands.

"Yup," She mumbled, reading something on her phone.

"Have you killed something before?" He asked again. Y/N looked up at him, a slight smile on her lips.

"Yup," she said again.

"Cool," Stiles blinked a few times. He then turned around starting a video chat with Scott on his computer. Y/N watched him spin in his chair, pretending to shoot the camera when Scott picked up.

"What did you find out?" Y/N heard Scott ask. She noticed that Stiles turned the computer so Scott couldn't see her, but she still saw the screen perfectly.

"Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder." Stiles said.

"Because of me?" Scott said, feeling guilty. Stiles scoffed.

"Because he's a tool."

"But is he gonna play?"

"Well, they don't know yet. Now, they're just counting on you for Saturday," Stiles said. Scott sighed, not knowing what to do. Y/N's eyes widened when she saw something move on the screen behind Scott.

"Stiles-" She said, getting up to walk behind him. Stiles leaned forward to get a better look on the screen, Y/N did the same.

"Oh hi Y/N. Wait what are you guys doing?" Scott frowned, watching Stiles' eyes widen in fear and alarm. The connection got glitchy just as both Stiles and Y/N tried to say something.

"Son of a- Scott!" Y/N said loudly. When she noticed the screen froze, she quickly wrote 'It looks like-' but before she finished typing, Stiles pressed the send button.

"The hell are you doing?"

"I panicked!" He whisper yelled at her. She rolled her eyes.

"It looks like what?" They heard Scott's voice from the computer. Stiles quickly reached over and typed 'Someone's behind you'. Y/N sent the message. They both just sat there staring at the frozen screen, not knowing what to do.

"Welp," Y/n mumbled.

"Hm," Stiles hummed in agreement. They hoped Scott would be okay on his own because even if they tried to get to his house now, they would probably be late anyway.


The next day Y/N saw Scott in the math class. He was called to stand at the blackboard to work out a math problem. When the teacher picked one other person to come to the board, Y/N quickly looked down and pretended to be really into writing something into her notebook, so she didn't have to go and count in front of everyone. When the teacher picked Lydia, Y/N looked up. She noticed Lydia talking to Scott. He looked really uncomfortable with the whole conversation.

"What the hell is that about," she mumbled to herself, quickly writing everything Lydia wrote on the board into her notebook.


Just as Scott shut his locker, Stiles and Y/N appeared. They grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him away.

"What the hell guys?" He asked confused.

"Tell us what they're saying," Y/N said, gesturing up the stairs where sheriff Stilinski stood talking to the principal. Scott looked around until he focused his hearing on the location Y/N gestured to.
"Can you hear them?" Stiles asked but was shushed by Y/N. Scott continued to focus until he heard the sheriff's voice clearly. He then turned back to his two friends who were just staring at him and waiting.

"Curfew because of the body." He said. Stiles scoffed and smacked Scott's arm, which made Y/N giggle.

"Unbelievable-" Stiles started saying something but Y/N zoned out, not really listening to the rest of the conversation. She was brought back in from her thoughts when she felt Stiles pull her by her hand behind him away from Scott.

"Uhm, where are we going?" She asked, not knowing why she was suddenly invited everywhere Stiles went.

"That's a good question. I don't know yet. C'mon." He unlocked the jeep. They both got in and Y/N quickly texted her brothers. Then she turned her attention to Stiles, who was asking about all the monsters she has ever hunted.

Teen Wolf [rewrite]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora